@Lisa 😱 it’s a sort of donut, pastry like dessert.
@Lisa I’m so glad you asked 😂😂
I didn’t know they had different flavors and/or fillings of honeybuns.. 😅 But then again, WHERE do you get them? Only ones I’ve seen are glazed at the corner store 🤣
@s a r a 🥀 😭😭 any gas station drugstore dollar store most corner stores even from what I’ve seen sell all of those flavors
@Laney That’s interesting.. Now you’re gonna have me look for them because I’ve only seen the honey glazed honeybuns 🤣
I’ve never seen a jelly honey bun before Chocolate and iced and glazed yeah but not jelly
I think it depends what brand because different brands have different product lines and I’ve seen chocolate option for hostess and mrs freshly but the clover hill ones only glazed
Those are definitely words I don’t have the slightest clue what they all mean in that order though
@Lauryne there’s definitely a typo autocorrect tried to be helpful and I can’t edit it. But I didn’t realize honeybuns weren’t common 😂
I have no idea what any of this means 😂 what is a honeybun?