Does anyone have major first trimester symptoms and sickness? How are you dealing? I can’t get out of bed or hold anything down and I feel absolutely miserable
I’m doing hard lemon candies, and then I take the biggest tumbler I have fill it with ice do half clear soda half Gatorade, and put in 2 crushed up Dramamine. Now you don’t drink it down fast you just sip it every 5-15 mins. (That’s from my ob/gyn office) it’s got me thru my whole last pregnancy and this one so far.
I’m doing hard lemon candies, and then I take the biggest tumbler I have fill it with ice do half clear soda half Gatorade, and put in 2 crushed up Dramamine. Now you don’t drink it down fast you just sip it every 5-15 mins. (That’s from my ob/gyn office) it’s got me thru my whole last pregnancy and this one so far.