I’m working and studying with a one year old and a second baby due in August It’s doable but it’s hard! I think it depends on what kind of work you’re doing and what your hours are like as well as how intensive your study load would be? Also depends on your kids and what they’re schedules are like as to how you would balance it all
I have one child, am working part time and about to recommence study. My bub is in day care 3 days a week so study will have to fit in with work on those days or while he sleeps on other days. Not sure how different that would be with 3 kids!!
Pm me ❤️
I had a 1 y/o, was pregnant with my second, working part time and studying psychology in the evenings. It’s really exhausting as every second to yourself goes to study. I sacrificed any down/me time, sleep (staying up late to do assignments), catching up with people, etc. I did have some support from my partner and mum to help watch my little one so I could study. But I didn’t have any formal childcare (when I wasn’t at work he was with me). Do you have periods when the kids are in care or can your partner/family take them for a few chunks a week so you can study? It’s worth thinking about the study requirements and when logistically you’ll have the time. I would study during nap time, evenings when he went to bed and then when I could have someone watch him. It was hard work, and super exhausting (on top of the general exhaustion of parenting) but worth it for me personally
Hi 👋 I work 5/6 days a week, am studying for my Class 2 real estate licence, teaching myself photography and booking clients and I have a child with special needs who has a lot of supports and appointments to manage as well. Whilst it can be draining I love what I do which makes it worth while and I always make sure I do things that make me happy as well. You can definitely do it, if it sets your soul alight. Goodluck!