Not leaking boobs

Anyone else? 34 weeks and had nothing, is that normal?
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Yes it's normal, some people's milk doesn't come in until after birth. ☺️

Mine don't leak, they didn't in my first pregnancy either, but if I hand express I can get a droplet of colostrum (not doing this regularly until 36 weeks). Breastfed my first baby until her 2nd birthday, so whether or not you leak has absolutely no bearing on your milk supply once baby is born :)

Yh I’m 35weeks and not had anything either

I didn’t leak in my first pregnancy and haven’t done in this one. I barely leaked for the whole year that I fed my son. I still have the full box of breast pads that I never used

No leaks here either with first and so far with second. @Stephanie did you exclusively breastfeed?

I plan on bottle feeding so I don’t mind but I just didn’t know if it was normal x

Totally normal ☺️ mine didn’t come in until a few days after having my first x

I had some random crusty colostrum once at like 20 something weeks. But nothing since. 38 weeks now and can’t even get it out when hand expressing

I never leaked with my first but breastfed her for 2 and half years, it’s no indication of your milk supply xx

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