Is there something silly you just wouldnā€™t settle for in a relationship before you met your S/O now? Or just in general if you are single?

Mine is snoring. I just didnā€™t want to fall in love with someone who snored because I knew it would aggravate me as my dad snored and it drove me insane as he kept the whole fucking house up when I was a kid My fiancĆ© luckily doesnā€™t snore šŸ˜­ if he does itā€™s a cute small snore and itā€™s very rare only when heā€™s congested
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See snoring would have been it for me too! My husband didnā€™t snore until recently and I consider smothering every now and then šŸ˜©

I didnā€™t want to be with someone who liked an out of state sports team and wanted to raise their child to root for that team too. šŸ˜‚

@Jay I felt this post at the pits of stomach cuz omg my Husband snores. And usually I slap šŸ‘‹šŸ¾ him a little in his sleep cuz he also grinds his teeth. Itā€™s the worst noise Iā€™ve ever heard! Iā€™ve tried to ask nicely and nothing has worked so Iā€™ve resorted to violence. Itā€™s so funny cuz when he wakes up so frightened & I act like I have no idea what is going on šŸ˜‡ So the other day he asked me ā€œhey do u hit me when Iā€™m sleepingā€ & I was like ā€œmmmhh what makes u say that babeā€ lol šŸ¤­ ā€œhe was like idk all of sudden Iā€™m dreamingšŸ˜“ & then Iā€™m notā€ lol šŸ˜‚ hahahaha he is a very heavy sleeper & Iā€™m not, his snoring can keep me up all night!

A gamer 100%

Men who canā€™t dress. If you donā€™t know wearing gym shorts to a funeral tacky then .. idk who is gonna have you

If the baby daddy don't work out now I'm not dating a gamer ever again šŸ¤£

Definitely voting gamer

Probably a gamer. I wouldnā€™t mind the snoring as much coz there are nose devices these days to help and itā€™s not really his fault šŸ˜‚ (hubby only snores when heā€™s exhausted or drunk which is rare) I canā€™t marry an introvert, anti social or homebody though. Gaming a lil I can do with but not a gamer who wonā€™t do anything BUT game thatā€™ll do my head in. I wanna be out and about seeing people doing things going new places enjoying the sun and water and breeze and what life has to offer, if he canā€™t keep up then heā€™s not my man unfortunately. Iā€™m not a bear, I donā€™t hibernate šŸ˜‚

I was trying to avoid attachments to men entirely before I met my current husband lol

Oh I thought of one! Obsessive sports fans I definitely couldnā€™t date

A football fanatic, Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t know how people deal with it, really we are justifying letting men leave family dinner on Christmas to go sit in the other room and watch ā€œthe gameā€. Or put the game on at every social function/stay home to watch the game on Sunday afternoons. I donā€™t mind the occasional game but it just seems so excessive and I donā€™t want the tv in my house going 24/7.

There are quite a few because luckily my husband has never done em lol Obsessive sports fan Gamer Mommaā€™s Boy Excessive spender šŸ¤‘ Smoker/drinker Just to name a few My husband snores and it sucks. He has a cpap now and itā€™s awful. I sleep on the couch and have since I was pregnant 2 years ago lol

A non worker or a gamer šŸ¤¢

Am I the only one who doesnā€™t hear the snoring lmfao. I must have the ability to tune it out cause mine snores loud as heck and it doesnā€™t affect me. If I was single I would not be able to be with a gamer

My husband is a gamer, but itā€™s his job too and Iā€™m extremely blessed, have a beautiful life and can be a SAHM. His snoring though keeps us separate at night. Itā€™s sad!

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Iā€™m exactly the same before kids I dealt with insomnia a lot or just really struggled to sleep and snoring would keep me awake all night Iā€™ve always known even if it was true love I could never be with a snorer because I just wouldnā€™t cope

@Jasmin girl I have done that too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ he once told me just wake me up when I snore. I was waking him up so often he was like ok never mind lol now Iā€™ll just go to the couch šŸ¤£

Obsessive sports fan for me. My fiance has sleep apina so he snores sometimes without his machine mainly

i donā€™t hear the snoring at all either! @Alyson

& i vote no for gamers too, a massive ick šŸ¤¢

@Alyson Iā€™m a light sleeper. I wake up to my dog snoring šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I even used to wake up to my neighbor showering in the morning

@Jay This video always gets me everytime! Nowadays I give him a good wank šŸ‘‹šŸ¾ in the face because after trying to nudge him or change his sleeping position which never works bt itā€™s like I feel so bad for smacking him cuz I gotta literally act like ā€œAwe no babes not u having another nightmare!ā€ lol bt deep down Im like girl u had to do what u had to do to ensure u get the sleep u deserve! Cuz this human being next to I jus doesnā€™t care šŸ™„

@MIAā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ lol and mine snores so bad. I only know that because he can fall asleep within .2 seconds and the kids even mention how they can hear it in their rooms sometimes. I sleep like a baby. LOL @ChristinašŸ¤±šŸ¼šŸ‚ā˜•ļøā™ˆļø tbh I wish I was a light sleeper. It scares me sometimes that anything or anyone can walk in my house and Iā€™ll never know. Mine is a light sleeper though and I canā€™t even sniffle without him waking up so I know that must suck.

@Jasmin ā€œgive him a good wank in the faceā€ made me spit out my coffee LOL I know what you meant though šŸ˜‚

I use ear plugs for snoring, so it doesn't bother me anymore. But smoking/drugs not thinking or consulting me with buying big expensive things without thinking of bills/rent etc.

i donā€™t like guys who canā€™t take care of their own things. because my brother is ā€œthat guyā€. throwing socks and stuff here and there šŸ˜¤ thank god my husband is not at all like this.

For me it was a gamer, a dog person, and a footy fan šŸ˜‚ so grateful my husband is none of those!

I don't think mine falls under the silly category but even as a teenager I would never date someone who smoked. Now as an adult i also add I could never date a gamer, or a car guy lol. My husband plays games occasionally but is not a gamer.

This probably sounds stupid. But I SERIOUSLY did not want to get with anyone who was in law enforcement or military (any branch) I grew up with both and it ruined a lot for me growing up and I just didnā€™t want to deal with that going forward and I didnā€™t want to settle for being that spouse and deal with deployment with kids. And yetā€¦ here I am 6 years deep with the LOML who is a captain in the army and military police LMAO. But we handle things way different than when I grew up with. šŸ¤£ but heā€™s going on his second deployment soon šŸ˜­

@Karagin I couldnā€™t date anyone who smoked weed or cigarettes either and I told my fiancĆ© that before I got with him or even drank. My fiancĆ© has a drink every now and then but never excessive and only for social situations.

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Ohhh-šŸ˜³ unfortunately I snore, not sure if itā€™s genetics but since becoming a mum I do snore more than I used to. I have severe dust allergy and hayfever so any little speck of dust will set me off into a sneezing fit, disturbs my day and night. My nose gets blocked so easily. UghšŸ˜– even black pepper and spices Makes me sneeze A little too much. šŸ˜… but your question, Iā€™m not too sure because preference has changed I have been with my s/0 for 10 years. I can say a lot šŸ¤£šŸ„²

Someone who doesnā€™t ski/snowboard and doesnā€™t like winter :) also, someone who doesnā€™t drink (not excessively) and someone whoā€™s religious.

@šŸ©· Patience šŸ©· I said the same thing to my now husband when he started dating in high school

Mine isnā€™t ā€œsillyā€ (more so shallow šŸ„“) but I used to exclusively date wealthy men. They were pretty easy to come by where I lived (NYC). I wouldnā€™t entertain anyone who wasnā€™t very financially well off & I said Iā€™d only ever marry rich lol, and then I actually experienced falling in love & there went that šŸ˜‚ My fiancĆ© does well but we arenā€™t rich by any means.

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