Hard to tell for definite from photos- If you’re happy that all of his spots have a scab (usually that happens towards a week after they start appearing) and if he’s well enough in himself then I would. If there are any at all that are weepy still, or blisters that have not scabbed over, then no.
Hard no.. not even because he might infect others but he has wounds wounds and other children can turn into a staff infection so quickly
No, they aren’t all healed and scabbed over.
Omg no. What happened?!
Even if you bring him in, you will more than likely be called in an hour after drop off to pick him up or turned away at the door. I know you gotta go back to work, but ive been a daycare teacher and seen so many breakouts go through the school like wildfire. I once spent a week working in the 2 year old room by myself in a hair covering while puking into a trash bin inbetween art activities and story time when every classroom in the school got hit with a stomach bug head lice combo. It also opens your little one up to getting a worse infection. There are a lot of emergency babysitting agencies where the childcare workers are vetted, have gotten background checks, and have appropriate trainings like first aid+CPR, SIDS safety, development and more.
Hell no don’t go back
Why would you want to send your lo to nursery in this condition?
@Katianna chicken pox
Not yet. Give it a few more days
@Jasmine wow. I've never seen it look that bad. Duck tape kitchen mittens to their hands 😆
Absolutely not! They still look incredibly sore, I imagine nursery would send him straight home. When my daughter had chicken pox, the spots had totally scabbed over and all the redness had totally gone
Right thanks girls, this has fully answered my question then I think... yeah they were super bad, he's been on antibiotics since friday for them cause some turned to impetigo poor chap. Just wasn't sure if this is what they class as 'scabbed over' to be able to come in xx
@Katie ohh impetigo is rough. Hope he feels better soon. My daughters scabbed over fully and went pale, I had to take a full week off nursery and then they said she was okay to come back (the whole class got it together)
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No, I wouldn't. How long has he been off nursery for? It spreads so quickly, and if other kids at the nursery have a much younger sibling like a baby it could be really dangerous, I've had to keep my 3.5 year old off nursery for 3 weeks as hand foot and mouth and chicken pox are spreading and parents keep sending their children into the setting and I dont want her catching it because I also have a 3 month old baby. Hope your boy gets better soon
Poor little man 😢 this looks awful. I hope he gets better soon. Think you already know the answer to the Q now x
Absolutely not
@Rosie yeah for sure... i just wasn't sure what they really classed as 'scabbed over' tbh, what others point of views are. I'm pre school teacher myself at his nursery and it's still a difficult decision. Surprisingly ive not actually seen many cases of chicken pox in my career so far. Was steering towards no anyway but wanted to see what others thought too. Feel bad not being at work, hate calling in, feel bad on my darling key children not being there for them and the staff that have to help with my work load. But our families come first hey. Xx
Why tf would you send you child like this to daycare? This is why outbreaks happen smh
@Katie absolutely your little boy comes first. Just show them that photo ppl will understand x
@Kalie less of the judgy tone yeah??? sounds like he’s been off with the chickenpox and the rule is to wait until they’re scabbed over before returning, hence why she is asking if this is scabbed over enough etc. she’s just asking! my son had chicken pox recently, and once scabbed over he went back. some people’s chickenpox and scabs look worse than others, but that doesn’t mean the rule doesn’t still apply that it’s until they’re scabbed over. i think they look scabbed over, but if you feel you need to be off slightly longer then do it. you could always ask work if you can send a picture of them so they can see for themselves whether they’re scabbed enough and are happy for your guys’ attendance? maybe get a cream to apply too! if it were me i’d send my work a photo asking for their opinion, i also work in a nursery and know its five days from the onset or until scabbed over xx
@Sinead thanks for your understanding lovely. You understand where I'm coming from. But do think they are scabbed over but they're still giving him grief like crying in pain when trying to moisturise him etc so just don't think he's completely ready. They started on Tues last week so think it makes sense giving him a full week off to recover xx
@Katie if that’s what you feel best then that’s okay! they do look incredibly painful, some childrens outbreaks are worse than others and your poor boy looks like he’s been through the ringer 😢 take your time, work will understand. i used to feel bad about calling in to work when sick or when little one is sick but then i remind myself i had a family bcos i wanted a family, my family will always come first. i so hope he recovers soon, i can’t imagine how exhausted you must be too 🩷 xxx
@Kalie ive worked in daycare long enough to see sick kids dropped off half the time. Dose and Ditch is basically a daily thing during cold season. Parents have to work and unfortunatly there are far too many employers that dont understand kids get sick. Most parents want to do the right thing but they still need to bring home an income. I blame work culture over the mom
I have never in my life seen chicken pox until now. That looks so itchy and painful.
They look very angry and inflamed. I’d be concerned about other infections developing from bacteria getting into the pox marks
Ouch poor baby, I hope it's not been too bad for you guys ❤️
@Victoria Oh my totally agree with you there! The amount of times a child is bought in and by 12ish they suddenly get temp and feel yuck... then you're like 🤔... they've obvs snuck them calpol before nursery to keep them going. Not getting paid sickness or child sickness is a joke i think, I'm going to be down a quarter of my pay this month, madness! 😞 xx
@Ceri-Ann He did get further infection poor chap, he was prescribed antibiotics on Friday, due to some areas turning into impetigo. Friday was his worst day never seen him look so ill. He does get flare ups of bad eczema so they did say this doesn't help either with chicken pox xx
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I get how you feel having to stay out of work so long, I work with the tiddlers at my nursery while my little one is with babies and only once has she actually gotten ill and gone home from nursery. She tends to always get unwell over the weekend or overnight so it always seems like I'm making it up to get out of work when I actually prefer being at work then stuck indoors with a sick baby all day 😭😂
@Sophie I'm exactly the same. My little one has been in nursery since 6 months old (now just over 2 yrs old) and I can count on 1 hand how many days off he's had at Nursery with illness so I really shouldn't feel bad that I need to take this time off. And I'm not going to stay indoors though, he needs the fresh air as he been stuck indoors for too long, going to make sure I'm giving him a walk (not indoors though) xx
@Katie absolutely not then I’d not want to be risking further infection of something worse like a staph infection I’d be more concerned about protecting him rather than the other kids
@Victoria, why was the centre not temporarily shut? If you were sick, you absolutely should not have been there. I'd have reported the centre immediately. That's awful. Sorry you went through that.
I'd absolutely keep him home for longer. Not just for the other kids and the staff, especially if any staff or parents are pregnant but also for him. He is clearly still unwell. I'd keep him home until he is well in himself again. It sucks but as a parent, we accept this sucky consequence when we have children. I hope he feels better soon ❤️
If the fever has subsided and the spots are old, put him in some aveno bath and cover with calamine lotion. All but 2 of my 7 were little befor the chicken pox vaccine. They aren't dangerous just annoying....I think it is safe to send him.
@Shahnaz, chicken pox is incredibly dangerous. Unless you were referring to the scabs.
I had chicken pox before the vaccine even existed as a vaccine at all Id say wait
@Shahnaz chicken pox can absolutely be dangerous! Sepsis can occur from chicken pox and children have in fact died as a result!
Y'all need to calm down, yes I guess chicken pox can be dangerous, so can the flu....but in most cases it is a harmless thing. 5 of my 7 had it, everyone when I was a kid got it and I don't know anyone who knows anyone who has had sepsis or any major complications from chicken poxs.
@Shahnaz, the point is it can be dangerous, don't play around, and risk anyone's health. Same with the flu, same with anything. I survived chicken pox, but I still wouldn't risk other people's lives just because it was mild for me, and I ended up being fine.
@Hannah exactly this 👏 theirs other kids to consider, what if a child has a really weak immune system or has small babies at home
@Shahnaz flu doesn’t cause open sores on the skin. did you send your child with multiple open wounds (as that’s what this child has) do nursery around grubby kids cos let’s be honest toddlers are gross because if not you cannot compare your children who had chicken pox to this situation They also have a suppressed immune system from fighting 2 infections (chicken pox and impetigo) so if they came into contact with a strep or staph bacteria would probably really struggle to fight it off. It’s not about protecting the other children from chicken pox it’s about protecting this child from secondary infections Just because you don’t know anyone (there’s a lot of people in the world) doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Late last year my colleagues witnessed a paediatric crash call that was diverted to one of our wards due to it being the nearest resus trolley while the paediatric team were transferring a toddler with sepsis secondary to chicken pox- that child died!
No. I would not send him back.