I only waited till a few days ago LOL I'm 4 n a half months PP.🤣
I never rushed with my first and won't this time round. Think I shaved at about 4 weeks. X
3 months in I got a C-section so I waited to get waxed , didn’t want an infection
I only waited a few weeks 😬 but was very very careful
I waited 6 weeks and it was fine both times xx
I think I did it the first (if not second) week. I am just careful around or avoid where my stitches are because I’m scared I’ll do something
Two years three months and still going strong 😂😅🤣
I shaved 2wks pp I couldn’t handle it anymore just didn’t touch up where my incision was
About 2 days later but would hold a cloth over the incision so I wouldn’t catch it lol
Waxed at 6 weeks
I recommend a razor comb made for pixie cuts to keep it trimmed without having to do too much until you're ready.
I bled for 6wks after C/section, so I think I shaved around 7wks pp but didn’t shave my incision area until the next shave when I was sure it had healed up pretty well.
I waited about 4-6 weeks but it freaked me out to shave over the incision 😭