My little one goes 2 days one week 3 days alternate for a childminder and we pay £125 a month (once the 15 hours are deducted). The cost difference between a childminder and nursery really blows my mind x
How many hours does she do on the 1 day?
@Summer Leigh the full day … 8-6
The 15 hours are term time only is she going all year round? Have the nursery informed you of the standard nursery fees without funding and how the attendance during school holidays is spread across the year.
I can’t remember how much we paid up until last year but the 15 free hours are only available term time. they may have pro rata this over the 52 weeks, but most nurseries ask if this is what you want do as it means a payment will be applicable every month, rather than just in school Holidays if she attends then as well. Also, you won’t be getting 15 hours free as attending one full day will be more like 10 hours, depending what times she attends and the remaining will just be lost. Do you have to pay for meals and consumables as well? Ask them to break it down for you so you can make sure it’s correct.
Mine goes in 3 days per week and we pay 678 monthly thats with nhs discount and 15h free. That price seems right you will only receive free hours to cover the stay so if less then 15h per week then you only will get the 9h for the day plus you still pay extra charge on top like £2.5 for each hour
My boy goes 3 days a week 8-6 we get 15 hours free and then we also get tax free childcare so we pay £476 every month.
My daughter goes 2 days per week, 7:30-6 and we’re eligible for the funded hours. We pay £378 per month x
1 day a week, approx £60 a month x
My little on goes to a child minder. We pay around £200 - £250 depending on where school holidays fall (im a teacher), a month for term time, 7.30 - 4.30 three days a week
@Louise they haven’t mentioned anything about term time differences. I haven’t seen a difference in price either. But they did say I can only use 10hrs of funded fees so have to pay for the rest and consumables are added as £12 per day. Used to be £6! It doubled since April. 😭
My daughter goes from 8-6 2 days per week and we are eligible for 15 hours. We usually get billed around £425 per month (not Leeds area though).