I know already he goes at least an hour in between so not prompting until then. Did you prompt at first then? Hoping he shows natural signs soon but prompting does seem to be working at the moment
We followed that method too and prompted sooooo much. More than they recommended tbh but worked for us!
Yes keep prompting! They’re learning a new skill and just need lots of reminders at the beginning. It gets easier/less intense! Eg we potty trained in September and I’d say for the past 4 months or so she wees every 2-3 hours. Rarely prompt (rarely is successful at least, damn opinionated toddlers 🤣). Occasionally have an off day when she’s clearly having a developmental leap, otherwise can’t remember the last time we had an accident!
Thanks both, sounds like your little ones are doing amazing. My little boy went for a wee last night without being prompted and also gave us a poo in the potty before bed so we are taking that as successes :)
Yay big win! Well done 👏
I think it says don’t prompt more often than every 30 or 45mins (can’t remember which)? We did oh crap and we followed that guidance. Felt like constant cueing but we naturally stopped it over time as she self prompted more