@Alora (cant see waves) thats actually a very good thinking..👍🏻
I have the same issues with my 2yr old. Right now the only way I'm getting him to eat anything is by giving the dogs treats then when he comes up saying num I give him real food. Still all I'm getting in him tonight is pasta won't eat anything else. Sadly I could probably just give him a dog treat to get something more nutritional in him lol. Mine won't touch anything green even though he loved all things green when he was just starting solids. I bought some of the flavorless vegetable powder to put on his food to make sure he at least gets something healthy in him.
My son doesn't like greens unless its cooked a certain way. So maybe if greens aren't working try other methods. Esteemed, boiled, grilled, roasted, try different seasonings and textures. And my son often prefers frozen peas. And small carrots with healthy peanut butter
I've been taught don't focus on the food of the day but the food of the week. Kiddos disgust differently and that's okay. Fill them up with nutritious foods for the week. Even if its only snacking throughout the day. They don't usually sit for meals.