Congratulations girl! I got that IUD AS SOON AS they offered it pahahaha.
lol had baby #2 in December 😅
@Ayisha thanks girl 😭😭🤣🤣. I took 2 . Because I was like maybe I should take another one 🫠🫠. Sure enough they both blazing postive
Me! Due with baby number two in three weeks!
I already have baby #2, she is 1 month old haha
Yes! Baby is due in the fall! 🥰
Yeppers! Baby 2 is due in May! 2 under 2 baby!
Yup due in October lol
We are very casually TTC
I had baby #2 in January!
Congratulations! 💗 Pregnant again but not number 2. Number 3 will be here soon! July 2022, July 2023, and now due April 2025.
Thank yall 🥰🥰🥰. Patiencly waiting for first prenatal appointment at 9 weeks very nervous momma 😫🥰🥰🥰
I had baby #2 in January 🤣
Yes baby #2 is baking 😂
Meee. Due in September so at least our babies will be 2 before we give birth 🤣 congrats!