Next step is to teach her to pull her own pants up and down, but my LO can be a tad lazy if she’ll know I’ll do it 😂 it’s worth trying to potty train, take the nappy off her, and see from there! I read a few articles for potty training under two, and it can be a little different than potty training over 3. Also I have found is, it’s not that they’re not ready, it’s just they’ve not learnt, you’ll be surprised how capable under 2’s are if you give them to opportunity too! Good luck! I found the second link worked better for us!
@Lauren we give her loads of praise when she goes and she gets super happy and brings us the potty when she’s finished, she hasn’t done a poo on it yet so think that’ll be the big one she can almost pull her pants up they just get stuck on her bum cause she pulls from the side so she’ll pull them up 90% of the way then she’ll come over and I’ll adjust them so she’s comfy she pulls them down fine got her in pull up nappies just while she’s starting out and she loves that she doesn’t have to lie down to put them back on, we were gonna start her in summer so it’s a bit warmer for running around naked but girls on her own timeline and wouldn’t let us leave the supermarket without a potty back in feb so we’ve just been going off her really doesn’t help that we had her brother at the start of feb so we’ve weren’t quite as ready as she was 🤣🤣 ill have a look at the links though, Thankyou x
My LO is 23 months and has been potty trained for 2m. A basic timeline of what we did, had the potty around her from 18m, sat her on it every nappy change and read a book/played. On Feb 1st I took her out of her nappies and that was it. Day one, hard, a few successful wee’s, lots of accidents, lots of tears and excitement when praised. Day 2, only one accident, holding in her wee, lots of praise and excitement. Day 3, no accidents, took herself off to wee everytime, stopped holding on her wee. I will add, she was fully commando, no nappy, pants or trousers for the first 7 days, then I brought in trousers, which didn’t work for my LO, she started wetting and having accidents, back to commando, and she stopped having accidents and was self sufficient. About 2 weeks ago, I put her in pants, she now fully communicates when she needs a wee and I pull them down (she also has tells, holding her vulva and getting wiggly). We do still have accidents every now and again with the pants.