School start? UK

I am sooo confused!! My son turns 4 next year. Will he start reception next year? Does that mean I need to apply for schools THIS year? Or will he start reception when he turns 5?
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Yes!! Sickening isn’t it. We apply this year for September 2026 start x

Yeah my little one is 4 next year he’s starting nursery at school this September when he’s 3 then he will have a space at school when he’s 4 next year.

Yes you apply In September to start the following September. July babies will have not long turned 4 when they go on September. But you can delay until they turn 5 if you want.

@Lora Woolhouse just for info going to the nursery at the school does not automatically give them at a place at the school You start viewing the schools in about November this year. Application in for January 2026. Results at Easter time.

@Natalie thanks for the heads up but it does at our local school. I’ve already been in for the meeting and they’ve explained. Could be different policies :)

Wow so different - in Scotland we have to wait until August 2027! So when they’re 5!

@Lora Woolhouse always worth a mention cos a lot don't anymore and people end up disappointed.

Thankyou everyone! He starts nursery school in September, but that’s at a different school to which I want to apply for. I’ll make sure to apply in September! ☺️

@Megan applying ends in January 2026.

You start looking later this year normally from sept/October time. Then apply in January and find out results March/april time I think. It’s coming round so so quick

Scary isnt it that they start school next year they grow up so quickly 🥹 Applications open in November this year and close in January 2026 and then we dont find out until April. Each area/council may have different applications times ect but where we live they open in this November

Yep! Apply in Sept this year to start next. My eldest has a December birthday so is one of the eldest, completely opposite this time.

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