Tamil toddler milk
My little boy has a bottle of whole milk after breakfast as he doesn’t really like cereal or porridge he has toast and fruit, but before his nap and during the night he has a bottle of aptamil toddler milk and then before bed he has another bottle of whole milk, I feel like he drinks so much milk 😂 he still has 3 meals a day and snacks in between, his a very fussy eater, but what he likes he will eat, I like the idea of the vitamins in the toddler milk. Just wondering if anyone else’s toddlers have formula toddler milk still
My boy does- he has whole milk on a morning but toddler formula before bed. He still doesn’t sleep well & i am beyond exhausted, and i have it in my head (rightly or wrongly) that it will be more filling than cows milk, so i am reluctant to swap the night bottle to cows milk. I know lots of people say it’s a marketing thing & they don’t need it etc, but do what works for you, it’s exhausting trying to get everything right, lol xx