Is this normal?!

So I’m 30 weeks pregnant with my first child and yesterday I had a really bad headache out of nowhere and my head started spinning, my legs and arms felt weak, I was stumbling over, my chest started to feel tight and I started breathing short is that normal?! I should I tell my doctor?!
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Sounds like low blood pressure. I remember feeling this way and getting checked out. May be best to talk to a medical professional.

@Vee I had a recent appointment and my doctor said my blood pressure was too high 😕, so is that it had a sudden drop?

@Amoy I have no idea. You can only be sure if you get it checked out as soon as possible to make sure you and your baby are okay.

If your doctor said your BP was high, it might be pre eclampsia. Better be safe, call L&D or your doctor to see what they want you to do. Are you having other symptoms?(Like swollen hands and feet, changes in your vision or increased nausea)

@Vee ok thank you I’ll speak to my doctor and try to book the nearest appointment.

@Amoy Hope everything is okay. All the best. x

@Jae 👾 other than having nausea I wasn’t experiencing any of those listed symptoms. But I’m praying that’s it’s not preeclampsia😔.

I also just recently did my first glucose test after changing my doctor because my weight was the only thing that was being focused on.

@Amoy hopefully it isn't pre-e. Definitely get checked though so they do catch it if something is wrong. I'm glad you were able to speak up for yourself and get a new doctor, hopefully they listen to you better.

Definitely get checked. Go in to the hospital today and get your BP checked. It could be nothing or it could be blood pressure issues. I had high BP and had to get induced. Went to the hospital for a BP check due to feeling off and they induced me that day.

@Kirsten omg your scarring me

@Jae 👾 I am going to call tomorrow and hope I get an appointment immediately, they have been really great so far but I wouldn’t want to go to the hospital now because I am pretty streessed and overwhelmed right now so it might show that my BP is high!

@Amoy Don’t be scared! It’ll be totally fine! It could be nothing but it’s worth getting checked. Keep you and baby healthy! I have a very healthy baby and I’m healthy too! Don’t be scared. Just always be on the safe side.

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