@Ahri I pray to birth my baby that fast Ashe 😫🙌💕👏
Baby is just getting prepared to come . This happened to me and i give birth at 37 weeks . Try not to do to much just relax more
My signs were like cramping pains that come and go like contractions i waited 2 hours b4 go to the hospital cus i wasnt sure and that day b4 i a few hours b4 i kept going to the bathroom like i had to pee so many times i did pee but it wasnt a crazy amount had my baby that same day
@Celinee I pray for that too! I was originally supposed to get a c section but the baby didn’t even give them a chance. They were getting everything prepared for it too and all of a sudden the baby went “IM HEREEEEEEE”
For me, I had NO absolute signs before going into labor, I just woke up to my water breaking 🥲🥲🥲. I went to the hospital at 5:30AM , went into labor at 7:20AM then at 7:26AM she came.