Signs of labor ?

So I’ve been feeling some extra movement from baby and some light cramping especially if I’m moving around a lot and my vagina feels like it’s going to fall off like when you get your period. I also had some butthole zinging pain 😭😂. Idk how else to explain that part. But I’m due April 8th. Did anyone have these signs before going into labor ?? What signs did you experience before going into labor and giving birth ? How long did you go into labor ? Was it daytime, evening, night or middle of night ? How long did you labor before giving birth and how long was your birth ?
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For me, I had NO absolute signs before going into labor, I just woke up to my water breaking 🥲🥲🥲. I went to the hospital at 5:30AM , went into labor at 7:20AM then at 7:26AM she came.

@Ahri I pray to birth my baby that fast Ashe 😫🙌💕👏

Baby is just getting prepared to come . This happened to me and i give birth at 37 weeks . Try not to do to much just relax more

My signs were like cramping pains that come and go like contractions i waited 2 hours b4 go to the hospital cus i wasnt sure and that day b4 i a few hours b4 i kept going to the bathroom like i had to pee so many times i did pee but it wasnt a crazy amount had my baby that same day

@Celinee I pray for that too! I was originally supposed to get a c section but the baby didn’t even give them a chance. They were getting everything prepared for it too and all of a sudden the baby went “IM HEREEEEEEE”

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