Community Posts, Tips & Support on First Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.

When do you think you will give birth?

I Have been thinking a lot on when I'll give birth, getting ready in my mind for it to happen before, the Christmas week will be so stressful,I'll be 38w I call it the red zone 😬 ,my first was born 10days early. I know there is no way to know but just wonder what you all think/feel


Baby’s here!

It’s my turnnnnn! I had a scheduled C-section yesterday and at 1045p Thursday night, my contractions started and were 3 minutes apart. Luckily they were able to stop them with steroid injections and Kyndall Rose Lynn was delivered at 842am Friday morning 🫶🏽😊🥹


Gut feelings?

Seen a fair few early November babies already! I really want my baby to come a bit early (37-39 weeks) due to other bdays/partners work - but the more I want it the more I reckon she’s gonna come late😂😂 she seems pretty comfy in there tbh! Anyone have any gut feeling when their baby will arrive?


Anyone else having their second child or already did? Advice? I’m due June 2025😩

Advice? estimated due date June 21 and my baby girls birthday is June 23rd


Baby no. 2

Is anyone else thinking about baby number 2? I feel like it’s all I can think about, all of a sudden I desperately want another but I’m naturally worried about all the obvious things and how it will affect my daughter. How do you know if you’re ready? 😟


Anyone on their last baby? How do you feel?

Just entered the third trimester today. I feel this amazing sense of accomplishment... We did it, we got our three babies, yay! But equally... This can't be the last time? Are we reallt never going to do this again? It's a weird feeling! Everyone prepares you for your first baby, but nobody prepares you for your las...


Checking in!

Hi April 2023 baby mamas👋😆 how’s everyone doing? We have 18mo olds, crazy! How are your babies doing? My son turned 18mos on the 8th, and that same day he threw a few tantrums, wanted me to join his nap time, and started telling dada ‘NO👆’ lol My biggest struggle is getting my LO to eat! I just got my first PT…


We've joined the Oct babies - pre term

Hello, My baby was born on Tuesday, 5 weeks before his due date! It's all been a whirlwind as he was born via emergency c section and has been in NICU. Just wondering whether there are any other mums who have gone through a similar experience on here? If so , it'd be great to connect x


15 months

I feel like 15 months have FLOWN by. Also- anyone been hinting to their SO that they want another baby? I low key have been, but I think he thinks I’m joking 😅


Second time mums…did you give birth earlier or later the second time round?

I gave birth naturally with my first at 38+4. I’m now 37 weeks with my second, and wondering people’s experiences second time round, whether you went over due or early or same as first?


Last week of January gang. How we feeling?

I gave birth at 38 wks with my 2 babies before. Thinking it will be the same this time too. How are we all feeling?? I'm due January 31st. Stomach is huge all my weight is on my stomach. Difficult to walk for long and hips have started to hurt. Exhausted most days! I hope the 3rd trimester goes fast 😭


Shared yet?

Have you told anyone you’re pregnant yet?


In shock ! Will it pass?

We received the news we are expecting twins. This was definitely a planned pregnancy (ivf, single embryo transfer) but it split in two and now we are expecting identical twins. My husband is over the moon but my first thoughts were absolute horror and worry.. we already have a 3 year old. Can we afford this?does thi...


So fed up!

Feeling super deflated now, had my third sweep today at 40+6 with a different midwife as my usual midwife wasn’t working today. This midwife didn’t seem half as enthusiastic about baby arriving soon and has left me feeling like she is literally never going to arrive at this point! Feel like any sort of progression ...


Is it usual to have an induction scheduled for 2nd baby at 39 weeks when 1st baby was born at 40weeks?

My first baby was born at 40+3 weeks and i never had an induction pre-booked, i naturally fell into labour but this time round th midwife wants to book me in at my 39week appointment and im mad confused as to why thats even being brought up when i still have approx 1.5weeks t go... Baby isnt even 'late' yet?! Is t...


How long did others wait to have the next kid (or second one)? Missing feeling my baby in my belly

How long did you all wait to have the next or second child? I hear people say wait till they’re a little older, and others say have them close in age so they can grow up together. Whats your take? Thinking of this also cause i miss my belly and feeling those little (sometimes big) kicks! 🥹😭


Second pregnancy announcement?

How did you guys announce 2nd baby?


Surprise pregnancy at 37

Just found out I’m pregnant.. big surprise for me! I already have two kids aged 11 and 7. Does anyone else have kids with a big age gap? I’m scared I’m getting too old for a baby. Hubby is super excited… I’m just scared…



I’ve just found out I’m pregnant after trying for 6 months! Anyone else?


Second time mamas what are you planning to do differently this pregnancy?

8w3d with baby #2 and I’m already planning out what things I’d like to change this time around especially when it comes to L&D how about you?


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