Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Activities.
With the weather finally picking up I want to get my LO out more, very keen for this to be as independent as possible (safely). What are you dressing them in, and are you letting them explore freely? I’m mostly worried about their little hands getting cut, or splintered and them putting everything In their mouth. Bu...
As a first time mum I’m wanting to go back to England with my little boy what would I need for him it’ll be my first time going on a plane with him heel be probably nearly 3 months old
So my daughter will be 7.5 months when we go on our first vacation next month. We’re traveling to Vieques for 7 days. The weather will be 80 degrees. Looking for any advice about traveling with an infant and keeping them cool in hotter weather. Any gear you’ve loved, any airport tips, etc. EWR to San Juan and then...
Hi so my daughter will be 7.5 months when we go on our first vacation next month. We’re traveling from NY to Vieques for 7 days. The weather will be 80 degrees. Looking for any advice about traveling with an infant and keeping them cool in hotter weather. Any gear you’ve loved, any airport tips, etc.
Has anyone got any recommendations or ideas for some outdoor toys? Wanted to spend some time outside and we have nothing and I have no idea where to start!! Xx
This little timer has saved my life with children that don't manage time well. Seeing a limit and a task gets them going, for example if I say "I need your shower done and school clothes out in 30 minutes" then I set the timer they get excited to beat the timer. It's motivating, and they're slowly learning what 5 mi...
Travelling with a 10 month old…. Feel anxious about this any tips & essential’s??? 🥲
I’m going on a trip in May to Washington DC and it will be about a 14hr drive. What are some tips for traveling so long? This is my first baby & first time traveling more than 2 hours. We’ll be in the car for 3 days (stay at hotels at night) but will make stops here & there for bathroom breaks, play time, food etc. ...
Anyone got any suggestions for what I can get for the garden so we can play outside more in the summer? So far we have a small sand box that he isn’t too interested. We get sun all day in our garden so want to make the most of it, but it is only a small garden.
My 15 month is poorly and is attached to boob 24/7, my 3 year old is bored of watching tv (I’m feeling dodgy lol 😂 😭) one of those surviving not thriving days ! I don’t know what to do for my 3 year old I feel so guilty
So, what are we all thinking about iPads? Currently having a debate and I feel very much on the fence. Do we agree that it’s much easier to let our little ones watch cartoons/play games on an iPad while out and about (restaurants/keeping them quiet/etc.) or do we think it’s a slippery slope that isn’t helpful?
What are people doing with their 15 month olds who climb EVERYTHING!! My LB will climb onto the coffee table, kitchen table, windowsill, into his sisters dolls house, top bunk of their bunk bed and even so far as to a ladder into the loft (I have pictures 😂😂) Feeling at the end of my tether constantly taking him…
Hiya my little girl just turned one and I have no idea on how to keep her entertained , our daily walks aren’t doing it anymore and she getting restless and bored and hasn’t interacted with kids her age yet anyone know anything to do in Birmingham uk ?
Hi Everyone, My family is traveling in two weeks. What are your essentials/ must haves for babies when traveling? Also what are your tricks when doing a long road trip with them. This is for a 7 month old and traveling 16 hrs but breaking it up 8 and 8.
My baby girl is turning 1 in April but I'm still figuring out what else to do I'm going for a photoshoot then something small back home? Any ideas will be highly appreciated.
Due to go away in June by then baby girl will be approximately 8 weeks old, what are the travel must haves for babies this age, trying to get organised before hand, I honestly have no clue what I’m going to need 😂
Help! My 11 week old hates the car! This started a couple weeks ago, she just screams in the car unless I am sat in the back with her which is hard if I’m by myself and need to run errands. It’s getting to the point I dread driving anywhere on my own with her and just want to stay home.
Does the block button not work? Ive blocked certain channels and videos from mine and my kids account and yet somehow they still pop up and the video plays 🤦🏻♀️ Is there a way around this to actually block the channels from being an option to my child???
I'm not a hip mom who's on top of this shit so can someone please tell me what age it's for and what's so good about them and if they're still popular
Bubba is trying to pull himself up he has a walker and an activity table but they both move and he falls. I feel he needs something to really grip on to like a handle. Is there such thing thing like a little toy to pull up on to??