Want new friends? We’ve got you.
We know a thing or two when it comes to friendships.
Whether you’re looking for a whole new social circle or simply want to expand the one you’ve currently got, knowing how to get more connections ‒ and ultimately find more friends ‒ on Peanut is going to come in handy.
We know a thing or two when it comes to building friendships, so here are the top seven things you can do on Peanut to increase your connections.
In this article: 📝
- 1. Show your personality through pictures
- 2. Fill out your bio
- 3. Always complete your profile
- 4. Choose your Peanut packs
- 5. Add prompts
- 6. Say hi!
- 7. Invite your friends!
1. Show your personality through pictures
Including a few photos of yourself on your profile is key to giving your connections a boost.
They say a picture paints a thousand words, so this is the perfect place to convey your personality, interests, and hobbies.
Share a few shots of you and your friends, your family, or what you like to get up to on the weekends.
There’s no right or wrong here, just make sure your profile picture isn’t empty!
2. Fill out your bio
When we asked our community what they look for when connecting with someone, the majority of women said they always looked for a bio ‒ so make sure you don’t skip yours.
It’s the perfect place to showcase your personality.
Simply add a few sentences that give an idea of who you are, your interests, and what you’re here for.
A fun fact is always a good conversation starter, too!
3. Always complete your profile
The more information you put on your profile, the more a potential connection will have to talk to you about, right?
So having a bio is great, but having your work history, educational background, or the languages you speak is even better.
Maybe someone out there has a friend who works at your office, or they’re fluent in Spanish too!
4. Choose your Peanut packs
Whether you’re a total home bird, an adrenaline junkie, a bookworm, or a city gal, there’s a pack for that.
You can choose to feature up to three Peanut packs on your profile that describe your personality, and you’ll be shown similar women to connect with ‒ making it easier than ever to boost your connections with the right women.
5. Add prompts
Peanut prompts are all the fun of a bio, without the stress of wondering what to say.
We’ve covered the questions ‒ from what you’re using Peanut for to your go-to shower song ‒ and all you have to do is come up with the answers.
It’s another great way of showing a potential connection how much you have in common.
6. Say hi!
This winning technique is as simple as saying hello.
How? Well, you don’t actually have to wait until you’ve connected with someone to start a conversation.
You can tap on someone’s profile and send them a message, even if you’re not already connected.
Go on, time to break the ice!
7. Invite your friends!
Ok, maybe this is cheating…
But if you invite your friends to join Peanut, you’ll be their first connection when they sign up.
And we also have a feature so you can see if you have any IRL friends who are already on Peanut.
Just tap on your profile, go to connections, then ‘Sync Connections’, and from there you can see which of your friends on your phone are already part of the Peanut community.
Then give them a wave, wait for them to wave back, and bingo: new connection.
Talk about thinking outside the box.