Breastfeeding/Nursing & pumping Mamas

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Breastfeeding/Nursing & pumping Mamas

To help support all the mamas who are breastfeeding, nursing, pumping or all 3😊☺️ It can be hard. So this group is to support you mamas. PLEASE SHARE THIS GROUP WITH ANY FRIENDS OR FAMILY WHO MAY WANT TO JOIN. The more the merrier 💕

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H in Other

Experiences with wearable breastpump thay has good suction

Im trying to find the best werable pump with strong suction. I already have a spectra which works well for home. For work however I need something wearable, and no its not an option to have an extra 30 minute break for this. I do have a baby buddha which has great suction bit too embrassingly loud for work. I used...

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K in Other

Leaking whilst feeding

Help. What do you do about it? My boy is only 6 days old and despite having a tongue tie I’ve managed to maintain his birth weight so far! Question is - whilst I’m feeding him the other side is leaking everywhere - pumped a hour ago just for a few mins but I’m pretty sure they emptied, and then got into bed with h...

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Incognito in Pumping

This feel like a silly question..

Hi moms! I’m still new to pumping & breast feeding. I’m having issues with baby latching but I still try at every feeding and then I pump afterwards. I usually pump about 60 mLs on my right side. But today I managed to nurse baby for about 15 mins (❤️) beforehand and then pumped out 30 mLs. Would this mean she to...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

L in Breastfeeding

Cold nipples/winter prep?!

How do we keep our nipples from freezing in winter when out and about breastfeeding? Any products or tips to help this? I already feel them getting cold and it’s September 😆😆

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A in Breastfeeding

How to transition EBF 1 yr old to whole milk?

I need tips. My baby just got 13 months and I've been a single mom exclusively breastfeeding this whole time. I've had no help, so I stopped Pumping and washing bottles so long ago. My boy does not like whole milk, I've tried watering it down and heating it up. I've only offered in a sippy cup as well though, should...

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