Breastfeeding/Nursing & pumping Mamas

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Breastfeeding/Nursing & pumping Mamas

To help support all the mamas who are breastfeeding, nursing, pumping or all 3😊☺️ It can be hard. So this group is to support you mamas. PLEASE SHARE THIS GROUP WITH ANY FRIENDS OR FAMILY WHO MAY WANT TO JOIN. The more the merrier 💕

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S in Common illness

Soar throat

What can I take when my throat hurts while breastfeeding it hurts so bad !

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Incognito in Pumping

Exclusively pumping

I am 6 weeks pp and want to start exclusively pumping but have no idea what to do to ensure my supply doesn’t drop. How do I start? What schedule should I follow? And do I really have to pump throughout the night?

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Incognito in Pumping

Pumping/ supply

LO is now 14 weeks old, breastfed with on average 10oz top up of formula spread over feeds evening onwards. Is currently sleeping upto 10 hours in the night with no feeds, gaining weight no issues. However, I have tried pumping to create a supply for when leaving baby with my family or to use as top up instead of fo...

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Incognito in Breastfeeding

Cold medication

Are any of the cold and flu medications safe to use while breastfeeding?

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Incognito in Teething

Could this be thush?

I noticed the front white spot/sore a couple days ago(i just started giving bm again), I thought it was milk but I tried cleaning her tongue a few times and its not coming off just getting worse. Any idea? And yes I'm going to the dr in the morning

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