COVID-19: US Mamas

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COVID-19: US Mamas

A supportive group where you can share news and advice during the coronavirus pandemic.

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L in Other

Most bizarre situation please weigh in

I’m staying at my parents’ house for the next few nights. I dropped and spilled some of my prenatals on the rug, with one going under the bed. It’s a regularly cleaned carpet so I put it back in the container. But something caught my eye while I was looking for it so I shined my flashlight where I saw a while DEAD y...

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L in Breastfeeding

Why would a nurse tell you to stop screaming?

I literally had a nurse tell me to stop making noise while actively in the ring of fire. I don’t mean to be disrespectful because I am usually in awe of people who work in healthcare but I swtg these labor and delivery nurses completely forget what their job is and the reality it entails

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A in Disabilities

Red 40 free

I have never been one to care too much about red 40. My husband has adhd and was on meds as a child (his meds got too expensive when he got off his parents insurance) so he can manage it mostly. Some days are better than others. Anyway, I think my daughter will be diagnosed eventually as she's showing signs. Lately ...

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Incognito in Postpartum mental health


This guy I met that I’ve been talking to for over a month now just completely ghosted me like literally blocked me on everything. And I don’t know why I’m so hurt by it? I never told him I loved him back and maybe that’s why? I don’t know but yeah not I can’t stop thinking about it and it sucks ugh, why are men such...

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Incognito in Family

Just need to vent and tell someone

My husband left me today. I finally told him we needed to take a break so he could work on himself and stop taking everything out on me. He told me he wanted a divorce. I guess it was as easy as it can be for him to leave me and our three girls. What hurts the most is probably that he demanded my wedding rings. If h...

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