Preparing for labour

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Preparing for labour

Getting everything ready before the big day! Advice on what to pack to how to be mentally prepared!

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A in Signs of labor

PLZ share…how long did it take you to go from 2.5 cm dilated to established labor where they admit you?

I was 2.5 cm 2 days ago and had a sweep done, but when I got checked today, it was still nothing. I’ve only had on and off contractions since then, that made me want to go get checked, with no other symptoms. I’m scheduled for an induction tomorrow if I don’t go into labor on my own, so I am nervous hoping someone c...

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J in Early pregnancy symptoms

Pain in side of stomach 37weeks

I’m not the one that is close to birth its my sister I just feel like something is off… She has been in an out the hospital with really bad side pain in her stomach and they said that she has excess fluid an said it was normal but y’all the pain gets so intense for her that she has to get on all 4s on the ground an ...

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L in Hypnobirthing

2nd labour

My first birth was so long and slow and I was in so much pain I ended up with an epidural, episiotomy and Ventouse delivery it was so overwhelming and I know it sounds stupid but I was so upset I couldn't do it on my own and felt weak for having an epidural :( I really want this one to be different!

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Incognito in Hospital bag

Hospital bag… suitcase or duffle bag?

Hi ladies I am 30 weeks pregnant and starting to prepare all the items I will need for home and the hospital stay. I'm just wondering if a suitcase or a duffle bag would be better to bring to the hospital during labor? TIA!

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in C-section

Cesarean Section

Was just wondering how long you all stayed on blood thinning injections after c section as I can't do it anymore 😪

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