Stay At Home Mamas 🤍

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Stay At Home Mamas 🤍

A group where stay at home moms can come together to share advice, vent, ask questions, & more! We’re in this together 💪🏼

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Incognito in Family

How do you cope?

I’m a stay at home mom to a 10 month old and I’m also pregnant. I’m curious how other stay at home mothers are handling things. Do you also feel absolutely drained by the end of the day? Do your days feel so difficult? My 10 month old is in the fussy and needy stage. Always wanting to be touched or carried all day a...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

M in Family

feeling like i failed.

i’m going to be 100% transparent here. I honestly feel like i’m falling as a parent when it comes to disciplining my son he’s almost 4. i’ve tried everything from time out (he just gets up and walks away and laughs) spanking doesn’t work and taking toys away he could care less. i don’t know where he’s getting the ba...

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Incognito in Other

Get away

Wish I could get away from my house. Away from kids that don't listen, away from kids that won't pick up toys, away from kids that can't figure out what a bathroom is, away from a house that's a mess, away from my life.

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Incognito in Baby milestones

Stepson showing penis

So my stepson is 7 I’ve just walked into the room after loading the dishwasher to him showing and trying to get my 2 year old son to touch his penis. I immediately called my husband to deal with stepson. He’s claiming this is normal boy behaviour and now he’s been told off it won’t happen again, but now I’m terrifie...

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  • Incognito
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J in Other


To the mommas with multiple kids did you guys name with similar first letters of your names like my kids start with j and c and my husband and i name start with j and c and I’m having a girl and we both agreed on an n name idk if that would be weird also all my kids will have a middle names

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