Incognito in Other
Camelbak water bottle
Just bought a Camelbak Eddy steel bottle for my 16 month old, but I just saw the label on it says not to use with kids under 3 years. Is it still ok/safe to use?
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Incognito in Other
Just bought a Camelbak Eddy steel bottle for my 16 month old, but I just saw the label on it says not to use with kids under 3 years. Is it still ok/safe to use?
V in Vaccinations
My dad keeps getting reoccuring bouts of shingles outbreaks for over 2 months now. Im 30 weeks and vaccinated so my dr says its ok, however idk what to say if hes still keeps having outbreaks when the baby gets here. Im NOT letting them meet in person if thats the case but my dad will pitch a huge fit and say hes no...
Incognito in Baby milestones
Babe is almost 4 months old and has laughed a couple of times. I’ve tried songs, funny faces, sounds, peekaboo, tickling, raspberries and nothing works. Tips on getting him to laugh?
R in Baby digestion
How long after a stomach bug did your child get their appetite back? No getting sick since Sunday but her appetite is still terrible. She's drinking fine and is eating a little but not much / not actual meals. She's acting fine , says she feels fine just not hungry yet. ( I have bad OCD & Anxiety )
A in Other
Has anyone dealt with their toddler having low iron that won’t rise? She’s had low iron since she was 6 months old and if I can’t get it up despite iron supplements she has to have more testing