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Incognito in Baby travel products

Toddler Sling

My 8 month old is 20 lbs and getting too heavy to carry around. I need something quick and easy to scoop her up on my hip to go check the mail with hands free etc. (When I don’t want to take the time to put her in the ergobaby.) Amazon has tons of those little slings, and I got overwhelmed with which one to pick. Wh...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Baby milestones

Baby gate conundrum

Hi mamas, My kiddo is 8 months now, and we need to get some baby gates. The only problem is our doorways arent solid wood, theyre actually just drywall and so normal baby gates will damage them. Has anybody else had this problem? I was thinking we could reinforce the wall with something but I need to make sure its...

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Incognito in Other

Cradle cap

My 18 month old has pretty dry scalp. I’ve tried tons of stuff but nothing is really helping. Is there a product or something that I’m missing that may help?

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S in Baby travel products

Baby carrier

Any recommendations on baby carriers?

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Are there any products

How do I stop breastfeeding my 2.5-year-old who still wants to nurse through the night? We co-sleep, and he wakes up frequently to feed. If I try to say no, he throws a tantrum and won’t settle down without nursing. I’m feeling really drained and ready to stop, but I don’t know how to manage the night weaning withou...

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  • Incognito

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