September 2021 Babies 🇬🇧

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September 2021 Babies 🇬🇧

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Incognito in Other

Fever advice

My 3 year old has had a fever since Sunday afternoon. It comes down a little with calpol/ibuprofen but then goes back up. She also has a cough and is more tired which is to be expected. She’s still eating and has bursts of energy through the day where she wants to play. My question is, her fever reached 40.3 during...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

N in Other

Size 3-4 clothes

Weird question but does anyone know where I can buy 3-4 clothes that are a bit on the smaller side? My sons outgrowing his 2-3 now but the 3-4 stuff I’ve bought from matalan hang off him

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A in Play dates

Reception for our 3 year olds

Hi all! I’m a first time mom living in London with my French husband…. Just wondering when we are supposed to be signing up our little ones for reception? She is currently in nursery school but I know the September cut off is fairly strict so not exactly sure about dates…. When do we sign them up for school? And w...

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V in Baby sleep


Hi, September 2021 be parents. How are you getting on? Just a quick post regarding bedtime. What time do your little ones go to bed? I’m finding that 8 pm is too early as my son will wake up about 4 or 5 am. Ordinarily, this would be good, but it’s too early for him as when is time to get ready for nursery he then w...

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M in Potty training

Potty training - refusing to use public toilets

We've been potty training for 2.5 weeks now and my LG is doing really well. She'll go at home, no problem but she won't use a public toilet even with the childs toilet seat. We take her potty but she also refuses to use it outside the home. She doesn't go at nursery either and will hold it for most of the day. I pic...

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