September 2021 Babies 🇬🇧

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B in Other

Thumb sucking

Anyones kids suck their thumb. How do I get her to stop? I'm worried it's ruining her front teeth. She doesn't suck it out in public or at nursery, but when she's watching TV and for bedtime, she loves to suck her thumb. I've tried some animal plasters and put in on her thumb and said it will get sore I've even said...

  • B
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  • B

Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Nervous regarding pre school

My daughter will be going to pre school in September. We have been very lucky and have managed to have child care sorted with myself, my husband and mother in law looking after her throughout the week. The closer we get to September the more anxious I can feel myself becoming. I know she'll be absolutely fine she w...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Other


Hi, Has anyone's child had chickenpox before?. Can a child have chickenpox and not be ill with the spots?. My boy is slowly becoming covered. He's itching, and they are sore when I apply lotion. Otherwise, he's fine in himself. Is he suppose to be quite poorly with it too?

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Incognito in Pregnancy scans

Growth scans - what are your thoughts?

Hi all, Currently pregnant with my second child and have been booked in for growth scans this time around linked to a long term health condition I have that could potential cause low birth weight. Had my first growth scan today at 32 weeks and all is well with baby which is absolutely great, but they've tracked the...

  • Incognito
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  • Incognito

Incognito in Other


Anyone else feel like theyve lost their child? The tantrums, the not listening, the stubborn behaviours, the rude aggressive outbursts, the refusal to eat food they like, the fight over getting in and out the car or going to bed, the fighting the toilet so constant accidents, the refusal to get dressed, the refusa...

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