Incognito in Teething
Does this look like teeth are going to emerge soon?
Best photo I could get, there are two faint white lines
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A safe place to share teething tips, ask for advice, or vent about your teething baby! I will try to add visuals and articles for more knowledge!
Incognito in Teething
Best photo I could get, there are two faint white lines
P in Baby digestion
Is it normal for my 5 month old to have a loss in appetite whilst teething? He is not Drinking much through breastfeeding but will happily take a bottle though
L in Teething
My first bubba, I've no idea 😭. She's drooling a lot and wanting to bite her hands all the time. She's woken up screaming 3 days in a row now, with no temperature or other symptoms. I've had to give her a dose of Calpol as nothing would settle her. Took her to the pharmacist yesterday as she started screaming again ...
C in Teething
Can anyone please tell me if this is normal? My baby boy is 3 months old and he has been showing lots of signs of teething, he is drooling constantly, chewing his dummy on one side of his mouth instead of sucking as normal, his cheeks are bright rosy red and flushed every day, he is in quite a lot of discomfort at t...
L in Teething
I didn't think they looked like that almost looks like there coming through the top side of the gums instead of down, do you think his is teething?