December 2021 Babies 🇺🇸

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B in Common illness

Cough Medicine

my three-year-old has a pretty bad cough. Poor baby can’t get any relief, he’s thrown up from coughing. The medicines I’ve given him hasn’t really worked. Just curious on which cough medicines are good for three-year-olds that have worked for your little ones? I’ve tried honey. He’s very picky. He won’t drink it. I’...

  • B
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Incognito in Potty training

Potty Training Advice

My daughter is 3 years old and 2 months and I have been trying to potty train her since she turned 2. After several attempts in the past, I stopped trying and she went on to pull-ups. Now for the past few days, I am trying again with her with the naked method. No pampers, pull ups or underwear all day and using th...

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  • Incognito

H in Other

I need help

Can someone help me please and explain how they potty training there 3 year old boy I’m trying but I would like some advice and ideas on how to get my son to go potty on the toilet

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Incognito in Common illness

ABA/Speech Therapy

I’m struggling to get ABA therapy services for my 3 yr old son on the spectrum (has medical diagnosis). with my commercial insurance through my employer I need to pay $500 deductible + $815 a month coinsurance. They said only if u have Medicaid you could get services for free. Any tips or resources would be apprecia...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Does anybody else go through this?

It seems like a few days before my period I get so irritable and overwhelmed and I can’t seem to control it! But then when I finally get my period it goes away! But once my period is done, I get irritable and overwhelmed all over again and then it stops after a couple of days!🤦🏽‍♀️ and it is just so damn annoying be...

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