N in Making friends
New friends
Hi I have a 2 year old little boy and a 6 week old baby girl, we are looking to make new friends to meet up with and do fun things 😊
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We bring together Brighton And Hove moms for advice and fun (free!) events.
N in Making friends
Hi I have a 2 year old little boy and a 6 week old baby girl, we are looking to make new friends to meet up with and do fun things 😊
H in Making friends
Any pregnant ladies out there up for a group meet up in a couple of weeks? Could be nice to see what we’re all up to during this adventure 🙃♥️
N in C-section
Hey everyone! I’m 29 weeks pregnant, due to give birth at the Royal Sussex. Throughout my pregnancy I’ve had AWFUL Pelvic Girdle Pain, and it’s so much worse now to the point that I can barely walk or get out of bed and had to be signed off work. Unfortunately, I’ve been completely let down by my midwife and recei...
A in Baby care
Our 2 year old’s hair is getting a bit out of control now 😅 does anyone have recommendations?
i in Body temperatures
I've realised mainly from my old clubbing days, that women don't have where to keep their phone on them and end up carrying a bag or put it in their bra. Was thinking about a belt that is fashionable, adjustable and goes with many outfits. Please be honest is this something that would be useful, or you don't have th...