March 2022 Babies 🇺🇸

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G in Potty training

How have you gotten your toddlers comfortable with public bathrooms/using public bathrooms.

We are potty training and it’s going great and he can hold it for a while. But if we walk into public bathrooms he gets terrified. Doesn’t want to pee or barely lets me pee. He’s so scared. Nothing happened to make him scared he just doesn’t like it and now sure how to help

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Toddler waking up every night crying

My almost three year old wakes up every night for the last two weeks at the same time crying. Any ideas on what could be the reason? Overall she’s happy at school and home.

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Baby sleep

New night waking!

My 2yr10month old has slept great since he was very little. In the last X4 weeks he has been up 2/3 times a night Every bloody night. We also have a 4month old... The obvious answer would be the new baby has him out of sorts... But honestly... Between the new baby and him both my partner and I are about to lose it...

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G in Baby milestones

What are some tests I could do to see if my 2 year old is partially or fully color blind?

He is incredibly gifted and has been advanced since birth- he speaks in full sentences and can talk at length about a multitude of topics. However, since he was about 1yo I’ve noticed he doesn’t recognize colors consistently or readily. He’s also wrong an alarming amount of the time. He can tell you the names of eve...

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E in Postpartum mental health

Being a Toddler Mom

Being a toddler mom is kicking my ass. I feel like I’m failing. My kids does everything she isnt supposed to do. She fights me, she sleeps with me, she still breastfeeds, and refuses to be potty trained. I’m going through a separation and I think I am losing my mind. Right now she is screaming at me. I just want to...

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