A in Baby sleep
Do you wake your baby from morning naps?
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A in Baby sleep
Do you wake your baby from morning naps?
R in Other
My son has had a great throw from a young age… and he throws aaaaalllll the time it’s exhausting. Toys, food if he’s finished eating… anything. I feel like I’ve tried everything to get him to stop!! Has anyone either got any advice or going through the same thing with their child? I feel like it’s just me and I’m a...
A in Baby sleep
My 19 month old little boy his being put to sleep for the first time tomorrow don’t know how to feel he’s having drainage of a cyst he’s had since birth think it’s so scary but best for him ♥️
Incognito in Baby sleep
So my LO wakes up at 10am/ 11am has her nap around 2pm sometimes one hour sometimes two hours and then fights her sleep usually sleeps around 9pm. I really want her to sleep earlier but because she wakes up late she wont sleep earlier. Now its taking an hour to get her down for a nap so shes sleeping at 10pm. I nee...
Incognito in Baby milestones
So my son doesn’t say any words and I don’t know what to do? I don’t know if it’s because he has his dummy in 24/7 (he’s just so dependant on it) or if I’m doing something wrong 😭 he babbles but that is about it. I try and sit him down to sing songs and read books I’ve bought but he just starts getting aggravated un...