Journey to Mamahood - TTC & Infertility Wellness Support
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Journey to Mamahood - TTC & Infertility Wellness Support

By Josephine

Welcome to Journey to Mamahood, a safe, uplifting space for aspiring mamas looking for well-being support while trying to conceive with or without infertility. I’m Josephine, a life/mindfulness coach, author, infertility advocate & mom of 7. I’m passionate about teaching tools to overcome adversity and overwhelm. My goal is to help you claim your joy & improve awareness along your "journey to mamahood.” In this group, you’ll: ✨Gain access to valuable tools & resources for stress & anxiety management, self-care, mindset expansion, conscious connection, and mindfulness. ✨ Find inspiration & motivation from a supportive community More info: IG: @josephineratluri

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S in Other

Does anyone see anything?

I am DPO today. I took a wondfo test in the afternoon and got what looked like an indent line. This test was taken at 8 pm and I've had to mess with the settings a bit to get it to show up on camera, because I swear I can see something in person. Let me know if you can see anything please! My husband and I are doi...

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Incognito in Fertility treatments

$1000 to check for blocked ovaries??

Ttc for a year, no luck. The doctor wanted me to do an hsg test to check for blocked ovaries, which at the time it was $1000 for an x-ray. I told him i couldn't afford it at the time. What else could we do in mealtime. So I was on clomid 50mg for a month, and it didn't work. I'm starting to feel that his suspeciousn...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Fertility treatments


Hi I’m 39, I have a 4 year old baby girl. We’ve been trying for two years with no success. I had my first fertility appointment yesterday and I’m terrified about being in uncharted waters. I went from not wanting children to now feeling like time is no longer on my side and wanting just one more. She talked about ar...

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E in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Heart-shaped Uterus

I went in for my viability sound yesterday at 8 weeks pregnant. Without going into too much detail and spiraling again, I learned that I have a bicornuate uterus and that the pregnancy might not be viable. This discovery of a heart-shaped uterus also means that my future ability to carry to term is likely extremely ...

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L in Miscarriage

Pregnancy after miscarriage

So, I posted on here a month ago about being pregnant again. It ended in miscarriage before the 6-week mark. I went in for my obgyn to do some blood work on me. Well, I'm healthy in every respect, but my chromosomal breakdown came back showing I was a carrier in my chromosomes for infertility and other chromosomal a...

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