Cosleeping and bedsharing families💕

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Cosleeping and bedsharing families💕

A place to ask questions and discuss cosleeping and bedsharing in a safe environment with no judgement. Only safe advice based on evidence should be given 🥰

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Incognito in Other

Cosleeping coming to an end

Please no hate on this post. If you don’t like cosleeping I really don’t care. Anyone who does or knows about cosleeping when did u transition little one to their own sleep space? This is the first night I’ve put my daughter in her own cot next to the bed and I’m literally crying lol. It’s been a whole year of sl...

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Flush mattress

I have stuffed a towel and wrapped up pool noodle to flush my mattress and babies mattress together... however I still have this crack when I lay on the bed 🙈 what can I do? I literally can't push them anymore together. It opens up mainly when I'm in bed but that's the only time we go to the bed/cot

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby sleep

Part co sleeper

My daughter usually starts the night in her cot for couple of hours then comes into bed with us for the second part of the evening. We are currently staying at my parents house while renovating. The beds so much smaller than our bed at home! We both are having really terrible sleep while my daughter is very sprea...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby sleep

Baby look for you at bedtime?

Just curious- does anyone else’s baby come looking for you at bedtime in the evening? As I get ready for bed my husband watches him and he ALWAYS comes to find me kind of whining- knowing I only put him to bed I guess?

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Family

Baby Growth and Relationship

I don't normally look outside myself but at this point, I feel like I'm losing it. An issue arose today hence y am here. So I have a 6-month-old who is breastfed and Ive co-slept with from day one cause I found it convenient for the both of us. These choices I've made have been an issue for my partner cause he doe...

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