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Incognito in Baby sleep

Newborn co sleeping

Is my newborn sleeping on my chest ok? He will not be put on his back even in our bed in a C shape, how do I do this as safely as possible, I’m so terrified of suffocating him

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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Incognito in Baby sleep

Co-Sleeping positions

Is there any other comfortable positions other than the c shape one? I have a very picky neck and if it doesn’t sleep comfortably, I get a headache for the whole of the next day and sometimes migraines. I even have to be particular about my pillow positioning

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby sleep

10 month old is not still

Somehows manages to move all over the place, standing up using me in the night, I'll wake up and she will just be sat up. She moves around so much and kicks she was upside down last night. How do we stop this because just not getting any sleep worrying

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Body temperatures

How to keep warm

How do I keep warm at night bed sharing with no blankets? What does everyone use

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Incognito in Family

So Rundown

I am so tired of my baby not sleeping. I am tired of her only sleeping on me. I am tired of her waking up every 2.5 hours. I am tired of her fighting sleep. I am tired of feeling like a less than capable mother. I don’t know what I am doing wrong. I love my girl dearly, but I feel so broken down. Sorry for the vent ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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