September 2023 Babies 🇺🇸

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A in Breastfeeding

bra shopping

okay. i’ve decided that it’s been long enough and i need to start wearing actual bras again. these poor bralettes have been through pregnancy and breast feeding. they aren’t doing my girls ANY justice 😭😭 im not trying to spend an arm and a leg on a bra but i also need a little support so im not out here looking like...

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Incognito in Baby sleep

17 month old dropping nap

I am not adjusting well. I am 16 weeks pregnant. My husband started a new job that starts at 7 compared to his previous job that started at 2 pm. So now I don’t get to sleep in. And now that she’s dropping a nap I don’t get to sleep as much during the day and I’m losing my mind.

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

O in Baby & toddler food

Picky eater

My son is 17 months and when it comes to getting him to eat food is impossible. I have done everything I’ve made his food look fun, no matter what I do it’s just wasted. He drinks his fluids and he’s yogurt all day. Dinner is about the only time I can actually get him to eat because he is hungry. Is this a stage?

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Incognito in Other

Advice ?

My little one (17 months old) is having a dental surgery done on Monday. I am so scared and have no idea what to expect. Has anyone went through this? What should I expect? Can I be with him before the surgery? When do I have to leave? How soon after the surgery can I see him ? What should I buy him food wise...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby milestones

My son has absolutely no words. None

He is very social otherwise. We play so many games together, and he often seeks our attention by tapping us to look at him. He understands some things that we say to him, so I can see that he connects words to meanings. But it's like he feels no need to actually speak. He babbles, but that's not it. And even babblin...

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