Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Shopping & Home.
Do you go halves with paying for things with your partner (their dad) or do you buy it all and just put dads name on the gift/card
Has anyone started buying things yet? Moses basket,rockers etc? Or is it bad luck🫠😂 I can't remember when I started to buy my other kids things! But I can't help but to keep looking!
Wanting to get organised for Xmas this year and out of interest who does a Xmas eve box ? Who does a stocking? And who does both??
What are yall planning to do for Christmas gifts considering our babies will either be just under, about, or just over a month old?
What’s a nice gesture to show my appreciation? I’m thinking gift cards, maybe target or Starbucks..they’re into skincare too, maybe I can give them both a few products?
Can you guys share your shoe closet cause at this rate; I told my fiancée that I might need to go to therapy! I seriously have a problem with the amount of shoes I buy! I told him that I might be traumatized from living with my father growing up and not being able to purchase shoes! Literally going to school with ho...
What's everyone buying their little ones for Christmas? He'll be 9 months but I want toys be can play with through the next year.
I’m sorry for saying the C word so early!! Our families are asking us what gifts we’d like for our LO this Christmas and I’d like to be able to plan in good time so they can shop around and know they won’t be duplicating and it’s something that’s going to be suitable for his age. He’ll be 6 months on Christmas Day. ...
Hey may mamas!! What are we getting our babies for Christmas this year?
Any new moms in need of some items
What are we getting out almost 18 months olds for Xmas!? (Mine will be 17.5 months old at Xmas). Struggling to be creative with my gifts!! Xx
What are people getting their also 1 years olds for Christmas I have a few things already but not to sure what else to get my LG and with being so close to her birthday 18th January I just don’t know what to get her. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciate Thanks x
What do I buy my 9month old for Christmas?
What are you thinking of putting on your little one’s Christmas list?
Help, what’s everyone buying there 2 year olds for Christmas??
My hubby is turning 30! He’s already purchased a big thing (a bike) for his birthday, I’m trying to think of little things to open on his day. I have a drawing, a mug with my girls handprints, flowers…. Any ideas ?
I’m making a list of small presents for my LO for Christmas to give to my family so I don’t end up getting loads as we only have a small house 🤣 I have no clue what to get him anyone have any ideas he will be 8 months turning 9 months.
Hey 👋🏼 I know it’s only September and I’m going to be THAT annoying person bringing up the “C” word but I have to be organised these days or it will be December 21st before I know it, and I’ll be flapping about the shops last minute. 😅 Sooooo any good ideas for Christmas gifts? The little man will be 19 months at…
my girl will be 5 months at Christmas time, is there any point in me getting her anything for Christmas? i’m not sure what to even get her if i did!! any recommendations
Today I turned in some money someone had dropped at the local grocery store! My 5year old found it and I figured I would show him how to do the right thing! Everybody tells me I should've just kept it but, I would feel terrible if the person went to pay for groceries and realized they dropped it and that be all that...