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Photo in comments. Took an early pregnancy test 6 days before my period even though it recommends 5 days before (silly but I was desperate). Says it takes 3 mins and at the end of the 3 mins it was negative. An hour later it looks like this. Thoughts? I mean obviously I will retest in a few days but was keen to get ...
I’ve tested 3 days in a row and had this line appear within the 3 minutes each time but it looks so thin and faint I don’t trust it?! Today I’m 10dpo. I thought it may start to get darker by now.. I am wondering if it’s a faulty pack of tests
Previously had indent lines on these tests before, about a week ago I had a very faint line then since then been negative. Today I’ve had this, does this look fake?
I don't want to get my hopes up but I think they're positive. I've ordered some Clear blue Ultra early tests to try too. I'm 11 DPO.
Stark negative right? i know it is but my line eyes play cruel tricks
I spoke to the doc about my tests results and they said they all came back low risk, so I never thought anything of it. But I checked my badger notes last night and my DS test was 1 in 285. I know that’s still classed as low risk, but I still can’t help but worry 😓 I’m sure my odds were much lower than that with my…
So I'm On Neplexon And Felt Super Sick Period Said Late But Redid My App Says Period Due In 1 Day. Is This A Faint Or No ?
Yesterdays postive at top Todays postive at bottom Would you say todays positive line is stronger or weaker
Is this positive??
Anyone else get a test that had a positive line like this?? With my first it was dark. But this time around I got diagnosed with hashimone disease
Hi all! I took a test on Friday and it had a the faintest positive and now I’m testing a few days later have stronger symptoms (ie spotting sore boobs ect) and now it’s negative so I wait a few more days to test again I am a week off my period (get it this weekend coming) I honestly dunno what to do 🥲 Picture of…
Anyone ever experienced a false positive? TTC baby #2. Period hasnt come and I’m 5 days late. I’m so confused. Did a test tonight with an Asda cheapie and it appeared positive. The pink dye seemed a little smudged but a line appeared so quickly. Did other tests with other bands and all have said negative. Someone sa...
Hi just need some discussion cuz I have no period but my pregnancy tests are negative… I’m - 6 months pp - ebf - I have had regular periods for the past 4 cycles - first day of last period was 9th Jan (40 days ago) - we have been using the pull out method - pregnancy tests today and Saturday both negative Sympto...
I didn’t want to buy expensive test after 2 chemicals back to back. Would you say this is an indent or positive? Seems really faint for 13dpo
Okay soooo i done a test this afternoon which came back positive so i went and bought some more because i needed to be sure and done another one a few hours later which came back negative??? Which one do i believe 🤣 i will do another in the morning but im sooo scared it’s a false positive!?
I’m 5 months pp & I’ve just had a faint positive. I’ve been feeling sick for days & my periods are not regular yet since giving birth. I’m going to take another test later to confirm but that looks positive to me. Anyone had false positive with clear blue tests?
I got a super faint pregnancy test this weekend. I'm guessing I'm less than 4 weeks? Not sure because my period was messed up from breastfeeding. I'm estimating my due date will be the end of October/beginning of November. If all goes well with this pregnancy, I will have 3 under 3😂🫠 yay to babies!
I took this test at 6AM this morning and about three minutes after the test had a purple line so does this mean I’m pregnant? I’ve taken another one, but it was the blue lines and it was super super light blue line. I’m gonna go get a blood test done, but I just want opinions before I bring this up to my boyfriend. ...
I just had a positive pregnancy test. My little girl is almost 1. I’ve always wanted kids close together but I have this overwhelming guilt of her not getting to have all of my attention anymore. I’m so sad
Anyone have a success with a really really faint line on test day? I've got the faintest line and just dont have high hopes of anything more than a chemical. Keeping my fingers crossed but don't feel hopeful