Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.
So did a test this morning, shown positive for a good few mins and then disappeared. All read within timeframe, I’ll post the test at the end in the comments. Please help, ps I am super late on my period but have no symptoms of pregnancy atm
Did a test that shown positive and stayed for a few mins then disappeared. All within the time frame on the instructions. I’ll comment the end result! Please help as I’m mega late on my period but have no symptoms of pregnancy…
So I did a test, came up positive for a good few mins and then disappeared. I’ll post a pic of the positive then post the end result in comments. (All within the time frame of the instructions)
This is my third pregnancy test and it’s still negative but my period still hasn’t come so what should I do?
Is this an early positive????
Is this an early positive?!?!?
Is this a early positive?
This is definitely a positive, isn’t it? I’m 2 days late on my period. There’s obviously some colour in the line but it’s not a thick line
Is this negative?
Anyone else feeling really deflated and disheartened that you have been trying and the tests look positive but are not,this whole ttc thing is really getting me down
Hi idk what is going on. I am 2 days late for my period. Today(01/16) if it doesn’t show will be day 3. Yesterday (01/15) I took two different types of pregnancy test and they were negative with the control line being faint which I thought was weird. Should I try testing again if it doesn’t show today and if so when...
I don’t feel like my tests have got darker over the last few days. I’m worried I’m having another chemical or I’ll have another early miscarriage. Found out 10dpo I’m now17dpo. I would have expected a dye stealer by now? Am I able to call my GP and request bloods? Not sure about the process
My hubby and my two best friends both agree the lines are there and then I took a digital tonight and it said not pregnant. I’m 12 dpo, I hadn’t intended to take a test yet but I had to check before I took an advil. I’ll take another line test in the morning, maybe my sample was just too diluted for the digital? My ...
so my period is 20 days late & i’ve been cramping for three days with no blood and my yitties HURT i took a test on January 5th, it was negative so i waited and i took one today around 4:30 pm.. the ovulation test is positive but the pregnancy test is negative.. i don’t understand
Hello I am a few days away from my period. 10DPO. This morning I woke up at 5AM to use the bathroom and took some tests with first morning urine. They turned positive. They were faint lines but definitely there. I’ve taken tests through out today and they’ve all been negative. Maybe could see shadow on a few but so...
I'm currently on an IUD. I had a LEEP procedure Dec 16th and wondering if my IUD moved and now I'm pregnant. Does it look like a faint positive?
Guess I got a false positive
So I posted this morning with tests that looked like faint positives. I haven’t been able to hold well because for some reason I’m peeing like crazy even without drinking much fluids. But this is the update. I feel like maybe see it still?
Evap ? Or light positive ? Asking for a friend.