Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.


Hii so I had a faint positive and next day started bleeding? Has this happened to anyone and was still pregnant? Or how long do I wait?



I’ve had faint lines for a couple days on Wondfo tests. Got this today darkest one I’ve seen! But easy at home are still negative, there is possibly the faintest line on the ovum test but could hardly even pick it up on camera. How come my wondfo is positive but the others aren’t? TIA


14dpo and no sign of period

I tested yesterday with a clear blue 6 days early and it was negative, I haven’t tested today because I am just guessing that I’m not pregnant this month but usually by now I’ve had spotting or cramping which means my period is near but I haven’t had that yet.. is my body just playing tricks on me and deliberately b...


Lines not getting darker

So I took a test Sunday with a positive and everyday since because the lines were so light and they don’t seem to be getting darker, is that a bad sign? I am at 4weeks 2days from what I calculated


Took three tests yesterday and never seen it turn positive so fast

I did the math I’m almost 5 weeks and started pregnancy mode on the Flo app and turns out im due march 22 so here I am In this group lol hey ladies!! but came here to ask if the extreme fatigue is hitting anyone else hard?? That’s the reason I took the tests cuz my period isn’t even late yet but I’m soooooooo tired😭


Am I pregnant?

So I’m 11 days late, I’ve been testing the last 3 days and I’m getting a mixture of negatives and positives. I just don’t know if I am or not now? Used different brands of tests. Can someone tell me what they think please?


Testing after IUI

At what dpiui did you receive a positive pregnancy test? I'm currently 8dpiui on my 2nd letrozole without trigger IUI cycle. So, I was wondering what was the earliest day you received a positive hcg test? Thanks


9dpo with symptoms 🤞🤞

Has anyone ever had a negative test at 9dpo but still been pregnant? Having headaches, niggly cramps in my lower left side & broken out in quite a lot of spots? My tests are negative xx


9dpo 🤞🤞

Has anyone ever had a negative test at 9dpo but still been pregnant? Having headaches, niggly cramps in my lower left side & broken out in quite a lot of spots? I have taken fertility medication to try and get pregnant and I don't have periods so I don't know if this is a pms sign as I don't have periods 🤞🤞


No more testing?

Does the photo show max HCG limit reached on home tests? As it’s now darker on the left than the right…dyestealer? Not really heard about this but seen so many others doing it and commenting on the colours I got intrigued and did another test this morning… Hoping that’s a good thing 🤞🏽



Hello! I had my nexplanon last April and for the past 2 month (May & June) I had my period. This month I am just spotting. Could this be the aftereffect of nexplanon or am I pregnant again? I tested this morninv but it was negative. Could it be just false negative? I am 7 months postpartum and had a c-section so I a...


Pregmate test strips…

Feeling pregnant… sore breasts, nausea, fatigue etc Using pregmate strips to test… 5 days before missed period and getting negative results. Am I testing too soon? I’ve heard bad things about these strips…


Evaporation line or pregnant?

I’ve never used this style of test before so this is throwing me off. I took a test just for shits and giggles. I’m about 9 DPO so it’s early anyway, and I knew if I did get a line it would be SO faint. At 10 minutes there was nothing there so I just pushed it aside. Found this about an hour later. Am I going nuts? ...



Positive or indent? I’ve done 2 tests now and got the exact same line on both 🙈🙈🙈🙈 I think I’m either in denial or had a dodgy batch of tests 🫠


Is this positive?

So I was due to start my period last Tuesday and started bleeding on the Wednesday, I thought it was my period as was quite a lot but very blood clotty which I found weird at the time, this only lasted for a day or two if that then went to light spotting. I kinda thought that was my period but I’m currently 1 year P...


Is this positive??

Hi yall!! Do you guys see a line or am I CRAZY? The first one is OLD from my first child but I just needed to compare line spacing..



OKKK DO U GUYS SEE THE LINE??? Or am I crazy on the second test. The first one is old from my first son. Just wanted to see if I was crazy and seeing imagining lines


Positive ?

The faint line was there pretty soon after the test but it has been getting much darker over the past half an hour. Would this be positive!?


Is this too faint for 13dp5dt?

Also seems line the line isn’t getting any darker… chemical? I can’t get a blood hcg as I’m visiting some family who don’t know I’m pregnant, it’s quite remote and would generally be complicated to get bloods.


Earliest positive test

Currently approx 10DPO. I'm holding out for Flo, but curious to hear when people have had their positive test and how early potentially?


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