Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

What do we think?

Been getting nothing but negatives on Premom


Maybe pregnant?

Hy is this positive?


Not sure what’s going on

So I had positive tests for a week. Then Friday I started bleeding. As if I had period. It’s noticeable calmed down now, have only been spotting since Sunday. But still. Anyway, rang the drs and the hospital rang me. Telling me to wait a week to test. Strange thing is, I have the horrible taste in my mouth and the...


Just had hcg blood test wish me luck!

Hi guys! I’m now 20 days late on my period. Most recent test was negative but had 2 positives in the beginning. I booked a private hcg blood test as I have had no signs that my period is going to arrive. I should get the results by tomorrow morning so wish me luck!!🥺


Is this positive.

Period is a week late. Tested when period was a day late and test was negative. Tested this morning and got this. Is this positive?


21 DPO negative tests

Hello, I’m currently 21DPO, my period was due last week and is 8 days late. Negative tests galore but all afternoon tests. I feel pregnant, I have all the symptoms I had when I was pregnant with my son and have done for almost 2 weeks now. Nausea, light cramping, sore boobs, bloated, unbelievably emotional. I ...


What's going on??!

I have my first blood draw pregnancy test tomorrow (July 4th). I've had several negative tests at home and so stopped my progesterone and estrogen (I know I'm not really supposed to stop on my own). I still have cramping on and off though so does this mean my period is coming soon? Today I am 8dp5dt. This unsuccessf...


Evap or positive?

Hi friends! I had a miscarriage at 5 months in March with our sweet girl, Willow. We just started trying again and I’m terrorizing myself with this two week wait. Can someone tell me if this looks like a faint positive or an evaporation line? It showed almost immediately and I know it’s VERY faint in this photo but ...


🙈do I have line eyes or is this a positive?

I am just shy of 3 months pp and I was feeling off today and my milk supply has taken a dip. So I thought what the heck I have some tests laying around I’ll take one for shits and giggles…. ummm I think it’s positive🙈


Positive or indent line?

Hey, I took a test earlier today and a really faint second line came up straight away, but I’m not sure, please tell me what you guys see! I’m only 4 months postpartum pls help!! I’m only about 7DPO


Is this negative or supper faint

I’m going negative but just want to double check


Tw pregnancy after loss

I lost my twin sons at 19 weeks and I took a test yesterday it was faint I took a digital this morning and it’s completely positive. My apps have my due date at March 14-18 I’m not exactly sure.


Missed periods

Haven’t had my periods for 3 months in a row pregnancy test is negative what to do ?! Is it normal has it happened to anyone else? Please respond ladies and my baby is bottle fed


Evap or positive

1 day late . Digital tests are negative 😬 cycles usually like clockwork for me



1 day late . Is this a positive or evap line . Digital tests are negative ?


Negative pregnancy test. Reliable?

At four weeks postpartum me and my other half had sex. Unprotected but he did pull out way before he ejaculated. Still feel really paranoid though. Three weeks after I took a clear blue test and came back negative. Was that reliable in terms of did I wait long enough? Very anxious as I was stupid and would die if I...


Am I getting my hopes up?

I took this pregnancy test this morning (my period would be due in a few days) and I feel like I can see the faintest line… but I’m thinking I might just be wishing it into existence. I also feel like it’s easier to see it in real life compared to the photo. Would love your insights. I have ordered some early detect...


O negative blood

So bacially I have o negative blood, my partner had positive blood, when I was pregnant with my daughter they did my bloods in which they found I was o negative. At 24 weeks pregnant I had a big bleed with my daughter. When my daughter was born they took bloods and she is also rh positive, how will this affect futur...


Line eyes please!

Been trying for 18 months… I’m 3 days late and have a lot of cramping but no bleeding. Would you say this is positive? Shall I retest?



Can you get a positive test at 8dpo or is it far to early?


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