I felt this in my soul 😂
@Mariam you nailed it with the last sentence, lol. I’m still pregnant with my first and seriously considering tying my tubes. No way I’m going through this again. I’ll buy my kid a puppy if he needs play buddies. And then I see all these stories/posts of women with 6 kids or something, come on.
@Mariam a lady on TikTok had like 8 and I’m genuinely like you’ve been pregnant for a decade I’d rather jump into a volcano 😭😭😂
@Alina my OB agreed to tie mine & I’m just worried I won’t be able to get back to working out when I want, but I’m not even tryna risk getting pregnant again truly.
🤣 I feel the same, I haven't even delivered the baby yet, but I am already tired just thinking that I ll have to be taking him to a nursery and then to school for about 7-10 years, waking up every morning to prepare him,feed him and so on... and people are talking about one more🤮🤮🤮 No, merci beaucoup. Really, I don't understand what motivates women to have multiple children, especially like 4+, what's WRONG WITH THEM LOL?))))