Boundaries? Never too late...
You might be finding that instead of things settling down at this time in your life, that you're realising that you have less and less time to yourself.
Work, kids, partners, parents, bills, household responsibilities...
Add in the hormonal fluctuations and falling hormone levels of peri/menopause, and keeping all the plates spinning can seem like an impossible task. That's before we consider the emotional and psychological aspects of how peri/menopause can make us feel, on top of all that.
For some, it's a wake up call, and many women feel angry and frustrated at how 'lost' they have seemingly become: "what about me?"
For others, there may be a realisation that the family and friends they thought were there for them just aren't, that they are actually the problem.
Menopause can be a 'line in the sand' and be a good time to have a good look at ourselves, our lives and our families. It can be the catalyst to make changes which will allow us to have a more fulfilling life and set goals that serve *us* for the next stage.
It's a perfect time to define or even redefine boundaries around work, home, family and friends. Change doesn't have to be drastic to be meaningful. But if there are elements of toxicity in your life which are making you miserable, now might be the time to cut those elements out altogether. And remember: "No" can be a full sentence 🙂
Boundary setting can be tricky if it's not something that people are used to you doing. Maintaining those boundaries can be just as hard, particularly if others keep pushing at those or ignoring them altogether! Believe us when we say, setting and maintaining your boundaries is one of the most precious and powerful things that you can do for yourself.
Have a look here:
for more information and help with boundaries.
Take this opportunity to do what's right for you - especially if that in itself is new 🙂❤️

@Sharon Pearl - hello fellow Sharon 🙂❤️ Could you pop your question (just copy and paste this comment) over in our M-brace The Change group here on Peanut please? Then I can give you support there... 🙂🩷