Light periods

I have always been super lucky (or so I thought!) having light and short periods (talking 2 days), and I don’t suffer with horrendous cramps or anything just fairly standard period pains. I get super painful boobs from about 2DPO until my period has finished… and all I have read as that this could be hormone imbalance and my light periods could mean I don’t have a very thick uterus lining which will make it harder to conceive. Suggests it would be low estrogen but then this would suggest irregular periods but I am regular as clockwork! So confusing 😣😣 anyone else similar and any advice?? X
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I had very light periods but they did still last 5 days. Most days were spotting. I still became pregnant. Now 12 weeks. But if you are concerned, speak with your doctor.

This sounds exactly like me!! I would be on my period for 2 days with realllllly light periods! When I was tracking my luteal phase was only ever about 7 days rather than the normal 14 so I was so scared about not being able to get pregnant and I’m now pregnant with my second!

@Sarah you have no idea how much I needed to read that comment!! Yea my follicular phase seems longer than my luteal.. think I just need to chill 😅

Yep! I used to stress about it soooo much and I never really read of anyone who had similar! Ended up taking 5 months with my daughter and then we wasn’t even trying with this one! Honestly I think the less stressed you can be about trying, it really does help! So much easier said than done though!!!

@Sarah yes so much easier said than done but going to try and take the pressure off a bit!! Thank you 🙏🏼

I am the same! My periods only last 2 days and I ovulate really late in my cycle, like day 23/24. I’m worried it will make it hard to conceive 😳

@Rachel yea I am about 6 months in…. But also struggling with TTC sex haha it is not fun trying to force it at a specific time 🤦🏼‍♀️ so hard trying not to over think it all! Last month I had flashing smileys on my digital ovulation and never got a surge… or I did but it was late and i gave up testing so missed it but I track my temperature on natural cycles which said I ovulated. Who knew it was all so difficult!!! Haha

I gave up with the flashing smiley face ones as I found they never correlated with the LH test strips and they always seemed more accurate. I never actually got that much of a surge with them compared to what I saw from other people but it still allowed me to get pregnant! Really got my fingers crossed for you and sending lots and lots of baby dust

@Holly I’ve been having the same with the flashing smiley faces. They have been flashing for 6 days in a row now but no peak. From what I’ve read I should have peaked by now, so I don’t really know what’s happening. So confusing. Interesting that @Sarah didn’t find the flashing ones accurate. Confused 🤯

@Rachel yea maybe I might try the normal non digital ones this month! Honestly it’s a minefield!! I fell pregnant by accident at 24 with my current partner but in a complicated situation so decided to terminate. And now I’m like HOW did that happen by accident!!!! X

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