@Arielle how far along are you? (In all aspects) I'm 38+6.. im 3cm and i think they said about 50% effaced.. waiting for Dr to get out of OR but I think nurse said they're gonna admit me
Omg you got your Leo baby! Yay! I’m hoping it starts to happen tonight, been having some contractions all day.
My due dates tomorrow, she said 3-4cm and fully effaced, I had a cervix check today and a sweep. Contractions were 10 mins for an hour and now progression to 6ish mins for the last 30 mins, so I’m actually about to head to the hospital here shortly
I was just trying to pump and now I'm having contractions every couple of minutes it seems. Have a safe and healthy delivery mama!
@Lissete it's like she knew today was the first day of Leo and she said "oh, im a Leo now? Time to come!" No hesitation lol, contractions started around 5:30 this morning @Arielle ooo good luck! It sounds like it's time! Hope you have a safe delivery if it is! @Ian thank you!
I am too!!! Contractions getting closer 🥰