Ugh pregnant again 😭

Me and my partner just found out we’re pregnant last night we have mixed emotions mostly pretty happy our first baby just turned one August 5th and we’re still breastfeeding I’m looking for anyone with similar experiences…help guidance idk … we know we aren’t going to tell our family’s yet because its looking to be we’re 4wks so still early for anything I feel
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Same boat here:) have had time to process tho due Feb 1st & my baby just turned one on the 7th.

My first is turning one at the end of this month .. I am 7 months pregnant with the second and due end of October, they will be 14 months apart.. excited, nervous and all the other wonderful emotions that come with pregnancy is where we’re at lol .. had to stop breastfeeding when my first was 7 months cus baby was taking allllllll my everything and I wasn’t eating enough to accommodate both the new baby and breastfeeding the first

@Tiffany congratulations 🎊

@Lizzy congratulations to you and omg girl you’re body is so strong 💕🙌🏼 and I’m hoping she weans herself off we’ve been trying water and whole milk for a couple days but not that I know I’m pregnant I heard the milk changes si maybe she can wean herself off

I'm nervous, but excited. 6 weeks pregnant. And baby girl will be 1 on the 2nd. It just happened. We did ivf with baby girl, so we now will have 2 miracle babies and I'm here for it.

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