sharing the news

how long will everyone wait to share your pregnancy with family and friends? I'm debating on actually waiting the 12 weeks because it's kinda nice to have the secret between my husband and I but then I'm also an oversharer lol I don't know how long I'll be able to wait
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We told our families today haha! I couldn’t keep it a secret any longer 🫣

@Auds how far along are you? I'm only 5 weeks 4 days

5 weeks 2 days! I will say this is my first after miscarriage and everything is going smoother this time. If you feel good and want to, you should. It’s exciting!!

@Auds congrats fellow April mama! what wasn’t smooth last time if you don’t mind sharing?

@Kristianna I had already started bleeding but was told it wasn’t a miscarriage but it was. I didn’t actually miscarry until 9 weeks. This time i’m on progesterone and have had HCG doubling and no bleeding. :)

We've told a few people, but we're going to wait until after the ultrasound to tell everyone else. Like Auds, I also had a miscarriage previously and with that one I had to go untell people and it wasn't fun.

I’ve just told my 3 best friends, but will wait a few more weeks to tell family. Whoever you tell you just need to be comfortable sharing with them if you have sad news to share as well. We had a miscarriage after i told my family last time and had to go back and share that news and for me, it’s better to just keep it to ourselves this time until we’re a bit later. I’m thinking 10 weeks for family and 16 weeks for social media

I've only told 3 people that I'm close with. I'm nervous to even tell my mom. This will be my second. This will be my partner's 4th. Mind you he's 33 and I'm 31. We're full blown adults and yet it feels like we're 19 again 😭😂 I think we'll tell our mothers once we have an ultrasound and know the gender. We're praying for a girl.

We told our parents. haven’t told siblings or friends yet but it’s so hard to keep it quiet! I’ll probably have to tell family or friends as I see them if I’m not drinking or if I’m saying no to sushi

We are seven weeks Monday, and I think we will tell our families later this week! It’s nice keeping the secret, but so hard 😂

We're not telling anyone, even our kids, until after the 1st appt/ultrasound and early genetic testing results come back. The only person who knows is a local Peanut mom friend bc she saw a post where mentioned it lol We moved out of state a few months which makes it a little easier since we don't see family or friends face to face. If our moms ever actually come visit we'll tell them sooner just for it to be in person. I miscarried my first pregnancy at 10 weeks so now I prefer to wait.

I’ve only told my mother and a close friend aside from my husband. We’re gonna wait until the 8 week ultrasound to tell the rest of the family & friends

I’m waiting until 12-13 weeks

With my first we waited until 12 weeks. This one we have told all our family and our best friends. We will wait until we know the gender to announce on social media.

With my first - I waited until 12 weeks- but I’m currently 7 weeks and we’ve told family and close friends - just too excited not to share

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I don’t know when it’s the right time. I waited until I was in my 2nd trimester to tell everyone but I then had a stillbirth and I had a village behind me for support. So this time I’m still going to wait until the 2nd trimester or after my NIPT result

I only told a few people, telling everyone else in my second trimester

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