First vs second pregnancy

Can you compare your pregnancies? I am terrified that pregnancy number 2 would be so much hated than the first.
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my first pregnancy was easy, labor & delivery horrible! 21 hours, induced, epidural 39 weeks secomd pregnancy was only sick half of first trimester, labor & delivery amazing! 2 hours, no epidural, no pain meds 38+2

1st was very easy going. 2nd has been rough 😰

Pregnancy was about the same. Labor was faster delivery was a bit worse. I delivered at 38 weeks and a few days just like the first. Mentally and emotionally it was horrible because my supposed “support” hated that I got pregnant again. (This support was my family not my partner or his family)

I was like my mom in the sense that we were comfortable being pregnant most of the time. I loved all 3 pregnancies until the end when it gets difficult for anyone to be comfortable. Every pregnancy is technically different, but it doesn't mean from one extreme to another. There's plenty of wiggle room between those and I believe in the power of thought. Positive affirmations to say out loud to yourself about this pregnancy. Worry does no good, so you control what you can control. Your thoughts!

I hate being pregnant but I love the result. First pregnancy I almost died 2nd pregnancy I was in labor for 6 hours and baby was here. No trauma but my first labor was traumatic as heck

All pregnancies are different. You’ll see the difference when you have another. Everyone’s experience is different

1st pregnancy I was 17… I felt embarrassed and didn’t embrace it as much or take as many bump pictures. We did get maternity pictures done. The pregnancy itself was pretty easy though, I was tired of course, but never threw up. Delivery was pretty easy as well. I got an epidural due to straight back labor and had her in 10 hours with only 1 small tear. Second pregnancy I was 23 - we were trying for her and over the moon excited. She was a hard pregnancy though. Lots of morning sickness, low appetite, my placenta failed so lots of added stress due to her being growth restricted. I had lots of additional ultrasounds and was induced at 37 weeks. Delivery was super easy with her other than the epidural was traumatic, the guy put it in super slow and I felt everything and cried the whole time.. no tears with her and not much recovery needed.

I'll be honest, second pregnancy has been much harder. I had worse morning sickness, for longer. And having a 3 year old to look after means I haven't been able to rest as much as I could first time. I'm sat here, 40+4 waiting impatiently for this baby to arrive and just feeling exhausted because my son is up early every day so I don't get a lie in, and by the time my husband gets home it's too late to nap

@Skyla love this!

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