@Ashley thanks 🙏
I got my first period 5 weeks pp and lasted about a week and a half
@Lauren how long was it heavy
Pretty much the whole time. Only the last day or 2 it slowed down
@Lauren were you breastfeeding I noticed it's heavier when I am breastfeeding (when baby is latched)
@Justine no I've been formula feeding
I'm on day 9 this sucks
@Lauren sorry I'm asking so many questions seeing my Dr. On Monday but did you have a lot of clots I've have had a bit nothing too large through
Ask away I don't mind. I did have quite a few for the first week but nothing too big. I spoke to my doctor as I went when I thought my c section wound was infected and he told me it was normal so hopefully what you're experiencing is too 🙃
Some people told me there first period postpartum was like 2 weeks crazy
Hi Justine! 😊 I got my first period exactly 6weeks postpartum, it was pretty heavy and only lasted about 6 days! They usually say your first periods can be a bit irregular. So finger crossed yours will go back to the usual 5days