
Does anyone have their baby’s bdays super close or even on the same bday?? How does that work for you? Do the babys(/toddlers/kids)take it alright? I want to have a baby so bad but I looked at the potential due date and it’s sooo close to my baby’s bday it could even land on my baby bday and idk how I feel about that. 😕
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My kids' days r 2 yrs and 2 weeks apart (June 14, 2021 & June 27, 2023) so we combine their birthdays and they love it. Once they get older we figure do somethin special for each of them on their special day but for now we celebrate them together. If ur LO is old enough I would talk to them and ask how they would feel about sharin their birthday with a possible sibling and what u could do to make them still feel special if they share their birthday with a sibling.

I was born 5 days after my sister's birthday. My parents always gave us separate parties, cakes, days etc until we were old enough to request a joint celebration (in turn it got us bigger/more expensive presents as it off set the cost) if it were to fall on the same day, I'd just do what most twin parents do and let them each decide what they want and have one get morning celebration and one evening celebration to help give them a sense of individuality.

I will definitely separate their bdays as they should get one day out of the year to celebrate their day. And my little one is 13months so I can’t ask her as she’s too young still. I really want a baby close to her age so might just go for it, just sucks it’s by her bday.

Are you saying you're pregnant? Or if you were to conceive this month? If you're not pregnant yet I wouldn't worry too much, there's a less than 20 percent chance you'll conceive any given month, and even if you did, it will all still work out!

Mine are 11/6, 11/29 & 12/2. I know, what was I thinking? 🤦🏽‍♀️ so far, so good. My oldest, her bday is the 11/29, so really, it’s like a few weeks-a month of celebrations with the holidays included. I keep them all together, but my daughter also likes separate stuff, so we may give her a mini “party” since she’s still young. She’s 2 years older than my middle son though, so I get it. It’s all up to you and your finances/support system.

My baby’s birthday is 9-21 and my mom’s birthday is 9-23. She knows it’s going to get overshadowed by her granddaughters birthday now. And is just choosing to enjoy in sharing it. But we still go out and try to do something my mom wants to do for her birthday. This year we are going to a baseball game the week of her birthday.

My brother and sister are both born on Christmas Eve and they always say they’ve never known any different so it doesn’t bother them

I know someone who had both her daughters on the same day but in different years ☺️

my sisters are 3 years apart and their birthdays are 1 day apart lol they have always had a joint birthday celebration

My birthday is 4 days before my brother's and we always did joint birthdays unless we specifically asked for something else. But since we shared most of our friends it wasn't an issue. I never felt any less loved because of our shared birthday parties

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