I understand the frustration as a contracted nanny I was able to help the kids with this- most until 4-5 but there are different laws in different states as to what services they allowed to provide in a daycare setting. I currently need to homeschool my 3 and a half year old because she is not yet fully potty trained.
@Samantha I work there- we are allowed to wipe them and supposed to wipe them. How are you not allowed to wipe a child in daycare who is potty training? That seems neglectful
@Anna My mistake I forgot to mention this was in public school for my son not a daycare. And your right it does sound neglectful, good point to address to your sons daycare teacher
That’s ok! I thought maybe it was a school you were referring to but I wanted to be sure because daycare I feel like that would just be silly you know?
@Anna yes my apologies girl!
Depending on the state your at, some teachers aren’t allow to help with whipping, that’s why they make the rule of being fully potty trained.
This could be a real win for your family! My daughter was wiping herself at just 2 years old, and let me tell you, she went at it with so much enthusiasm! There was a lot of curiosity involved and, of course, plenty of toilet paper that went to waste. A plunger made an appearance here and there, but hey, that’s part of the learning process, right? Fast forward a bit, and she was suddenly refusing to wipe herself at home, even though she totally knew how. It was a bit frustrating for me as a mom since I couldn't seem to get her to do it at home. But then she started preschool, and with all the kids lined up for bathroom time, the expectation to handle her own potty needs became a norm for her. It clicked! The reinforcement she got from school really helped her form that habit. So, who knew a little peer pressure could do the trick? It just goes to show how valuable those school experiences can be!
Here in NY my son’s teacher said they are not allowed to wipe them. Find out what the policys are