
Can anyone tell me I’m not crazy, I’m so over being pregnant now, I haven’t had a very good pregnancy and I’m so ready for it to be over, all I’m doing is crying. I’m in absolute agony constantly and I’m trying everything to get labour started can people please tell me I’m not the only one so I know I’m not going insane
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You’re not the only one don’t worry. I’ve hated both of my pregnancies and can’t wait to never be pregnant again. It’s so difficult, your body is going through a massive changes and is about to go through much more too. You’re allowed to feel this way. Not too much longer mama, you’re doing great!

The only reason I want time to pass slower is because I’m scared of parenting my toddler and a new born after a c section. My 1st didn’t sleep very much and I’m dreading that with a non verbal ASD toddler who has the worst tantrums and is super clingy and possessive of me. Otherwise, I hate being pregnant and it’s especially bad towards the end.

You’re not insane, I’ve been in tears for the past couple days too. I’m soooo over it 😢 it’s painful, I can’t sleep, I’m having cramping/braxton hicks, I’m itchy. I’m done. I’m glad you said something too bc I feel alone about it too..

Nope I felt really bad because I've hated it since I found out at 3 weeks. I love feeling the baby moving and kicking, and I've been desperate to conceive, but I've been ill all the way through! I've said to my partner I'm glad he's already got kids cos I don't think I could do it again 😅 xx

Yep pelvic girdle pain kicked in, sick of the constipation, leg cramps and today I just felt down right hormonal, sensitive and miserable. I didn't even want to eat but had to for baby. Don't get me wrong I have good days too but today was a difficult one. X

I’m well and truly miserable to the point of asking for baby to come earlier than 39 weeks. Family and partner are trying to help me get to 39 but it’s still 27 days away 😭😭

@Hopeful I've been here. My eldest has ASD. He was 2 years 3 months and non verbal when my 2nd was born, also via c section. I was terrified to bring the new baby home mainly for the reason that my 1st wouldn't understand that I would be in pain. It turned out that the new baby deterred my eldest from me, almost over night he became a daddy's boy and left me alone 😔 it did break my heart but it also made things easier. My eldest didn't acknowledge his new brother until he was 4 months old, literally just point blank ignored him for a whole 4 months and even the first interactions was just looking over at him when he made a noise just to leave the room. They're best friends now ❤️

@Chlo I'm an absolute wreck and so ready for this baby to be born! I just want my body back! 😭

I’m sure every pregnant person feels this or at least the majority. I planned this 3rd baby and he’s very much longed for and wanted but pregnancy is awful. There’s nothing nice about it at all in my opinion it’s just what we have to do to be able to become parents. Don’t feel bad or anything because realistically who would actually want to be sick and in pain and unable to sleep, eat and do basic things it’s mentally and physically exhausting but we’re almost there now 🥰

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